Sorry. Couldn't come up with a better name. Heh.

Anyways, I don't much take interest in obfuscations that use a big heap of arbitrary characters and then do a pack or ord on them - although if it forms images, it can be nice. I like obfuscations where it isn't very obvious what really happens, and the trick is to figure that out. Having said that, my new obfu has a long line with arbitrary characters in it. Go figure. But please, go figure it out. I have a hard time judging if this is way too obvious or not. :)

The program takes an optional commandline argument, which should be your name, or defaults to "Dog and Pony". It will then tell you what it thinks.

#!/usr/bin/perl -wl0040 use strict; use English; use vars qw( $ARG ); # Amazing Regexp Grinder (ARG) # Usage: perl <your-name> $_ = shift || "Dog and Pony"; print "\n$_:\n"; $ARG = qr( /^C^C^C^P\\\[^D"\[^P^C""0"\0\/""\0""!!0""0\0""0\0""0!!\/"""0"\[^P^C0 +\[!^C^P"\[^C0^P\/\\\0"!"0"!"0\["\\"0""0\/^P^C0"""0"\[\[\\\\0"\0/ ); ($_=~s/$ARG/JAPH/ || s/(\W)/\$$1/g && s/\$(\s)\$//g && s'([^/]+)'#$1\' +) or warn "No match!"; print qq($') && eval;

Hope I brought a few moments amusement, at least. :)

UPDATE: Solution added.

You have moved into a dark place.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.