Category: Web stuff/Apache
Author/Contact Info J. J. Horner

I wrote this mod_perl handler to give easy timeouts to restricted web pages. It is very elementary, but useful. Please give me some comments at my email address above if you wish.

It requires a directory "times" under your /usr/local/apache/conf/ directory, owned by the user:group running the Apache child processes, for your timestamp files.

Usage: See in-code docs.

Update v0.21

  • I added better docs and fixed a bug or two.
  • I also moved most of the config info into the httpd.conf file and only moved configurable stuff to .htaccess.
  • Added concept of Minimum Time Out and Mode.

Update v0.20

  • I sped up the routine that checks time since last visit. It now stats a file, grabs the number of seconds since last modification, and uses that for $last_time. Then opens the time file rw to update the modification time.
  • I added option to put the DEBUG mode into the .htaccess file.


  • Write documentation
  • Make into format usable on CPAN
package Apache::TimeOut;
#file Apache/
#    Author: J. J. Horner
#    Version: 0.21 (06/14/2000)
#    Usage:  see documentation
#    Description:
#        Small mod_perl handler to provide Athentication phase time ou
+ts for 
#        sensitive areas, per realm.  Still has a few issues, but noth
+ing too 
#        serious.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

our $VERSION = '0.01';

sub handler {

        my $current_time = time();

        my $r = shift;
        my $DEBUG = $r->dir_config('TIMEOUT_DEBUG') || carp "DEBUG val
+ue not set: $!"; # pulls debug flag from config file 
           carp "current time = $current_time" if $DEBUG;
        my ($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
        carp "Response set - $res: $!" if $DEBUG;
        return $res if $res != OK;  # return not OK status if not OK

    my $time_to_die;
    if ($r->dir_config('TimeLimit') && ($r->dir_config('TimeLimit') < 
+$r->dir_config('DefaultLimit'))) {
            $time_to_die = $r->dir_config('TimeLimit');
    } else {
        $time_to_die = $r->dir_config('DefaultLimit');
        carp "time limit set to $time_to_die" if $DEBUG;
        return DECLINED if ($r->dir_config('MODE'));  #do nothing if P
+erlSetVar TimeLimit not set.

        my $user = $r->connection->user;
        my $realm = $r->auth_name();
        $realm =~ s/\s+/_/g;
        my $host = $r->get_remote_host();
        my $time_file = "/usr/local/apache/conf/times/$realm-$host.$us
        carp "Time file set to $time_file" if $DEBUG;

        if (-e $time_file) {   # if timestamp file exists, check time 
                my $last_time = (stat($time_file))[9] || carp "Unable 
+to get last modtime from file: $!";
                carp "Last time = $last_time" if $DEBUG;

                if ($time_to_die >=  ($current_time - $last_time)) {
                        open (TIME, ">$time_file");
                        close TIME;
                        return OK;

                } else {  # if time delta greater than TimeLimit
                        unlink($time_file) or carp "Can't unlink file:
+ $!";
                        return AUTH_REQUIRED;

        } else {  # previous time delta greater than TimeLimit so file
+ was unlinked
                open (TIME, ">$time_file");
                close TIME;
                return OK;


=head1 NAME

Apache::TimeOut - mod_perl handler to provide time outs on .htaccess p
+rotected pages.


  In httpd.conf file:
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache::TimeOut
    PerlSetVar DefaultLimit \<timeout in seconds\>

  Optional httpd.conf file entry:
    PerlSetVar TIMEOUT_DEBUG 1
       Turns debugging on to print messages to server error_log

  Optional .htaccess entries: 
    PerlSetVar TimeLimit \<timeout\>
    PerlSetVar MODE off      #to turn off timeouts


  Simple mod_perl handler for the AUTHENTICATION phase to set a limit 
+on user inactivity.
  Will provide timeouts to any file under the protection of an .htacce
+ss file, unless the 
  'MODE' option set to anything other than 0 in the .htaccess file.  T
+he 'DefaultLimit' is
  set via the httpd.conf file, and unless the user specified 'TimeLimi
+t' is set and less 
  than the 'DefaultLimit', determines the length of time a user can be
+ inactive.  This 
  handler can be set anywhere an AUTHENTICATION handler can be specifi

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 AUTHOR

J. J. Horner

=head1 SEE ALSO

