Speaking of unique uses of Perl?

How about predicting the end of times? Do you have Apocalypse on your mind? Well, watch what Perl can do:
$x = 0; $s = "HOLY BIBLE"; # # add up ASCII codes for all letters in the $s string. # (also, print out extra information) # $s =~ s/(\w)/{$x+=($o=ord($1));print"$1 - $o\n";''}/eg; print "Total: $x\n";
H - 72 O - 79 L - 76 Y - 89 B - 66 I - 73 B - 66 L - 76 E - 69 Total: 666
There's actually a lot of other mathematically legitimate ways of obtaining the number 666. I found this one where it's being derived from the word 'HOLY BIBLE' particularly interesting, since it is in this book that a reference is made to 666 as being the number of the beast in the end of times.

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