I am working on a Perl/Tk application in which I need to display information about the current Tk::Text selection in a status area. Tk::Text doesn't generate a "Selection" event, the override methods in this code generate a virtual Selection event.

The code demonstrates one way to use the <<Selection>> event.

#!/usr/bin/perl =for comment The Tk::_Extended_Text package provides methods that override all of the Tk::Text methods that change the selection in the Tk::Text widget, adding a call to eventGenerate() to generate a virtual <<Selection>> event. Bind a callback to the <<Selection>> event and it will be called any time the selection changes (including when the selection is removed). This code will also work with Tk::ROText, since Tk::ROText is a subclass of Tk::Text. Simply replace all references to Tk::Text with Tk::ROText. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::widgets qw( Frame Text Label ); { package Tk::_Extended_Text; @Tk::_Extended_Text::ISA = 'Tk::Text'; Tk::Widget->Construct('_Extended_Text'); my $i = 0; my @lastranges; # subroutine: &selectionChanged # # argument: LIST of 'sel' tag ranges # # Return TRUE if the ROText selection # has changed. # # Several of the Tk::Text methods generate # a lot of noise even when there's no # change to the selection, use # &selectionChanged to discover if the # selection has actually been modified. # # Call &selectionChanged with the current # 'sel' tag range, if the return value is # TRUE, the selection was changed, # otherwise no change. sub selectionChanged { my @ranges = @_; if (@ranges != @lastranges) { return 1; } # each array has same number of elements for (my $i = 0; $i < @ranges; $i++) { if ($ranges[$i] ne $lastranges[$i]) { return 1; } } return; } # override Tk::Text methods: # ----------------------------------------------- # These overrides are simple wrappers that # provide a hook for generation of the # <<Selection>> event. sub selectAll { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::selectAll(@_); $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } sub unselectAll { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::unselectAll(@_); if (selectionChanged($w->tagRanges('sel'))) { $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); } @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } sub SelectTo { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::SelectTo(@_); if (selectionChanged($w->tagRanges('sel'))) { $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); } @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } sub KeySelect { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::KeySelect(@_); $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } sub FindAll { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::FindAll(@_); if (selectionChanged($w->tagRanges('sel'))) { $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); } @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } sub FindNext { my $w = shift; $w->SUPER::FindNext(@_); if (selectionChanged($w->tagRanges('sel'))) { $w->eventGenerate('<<Selection>>'); } @lastranges = $w->tagRanges('sel'); return; } } my $mw = MainWindow->new; my $statbar = $mw->Frame( -relief => 'sunken', )->pack( -fill => 'x', -side => 'bottom', ); my $selview = $statbar->Label->pack; ## ### allocate an extended Tk::Text widget object: ## my $t = $mw->_Extended_Text->pack; my $i = 0; $t->bind( '<<Selection>>', sub { print "<<Selection>> event $i\n"; $i++; my @r = $t->tagRanges('sel'); if (@r) { my $len = length $t->get(@r); $selview->configure(-text => "begin $r[0] : end $r[1] : + length $len"); } else { $selview->configure(-text => 'no selection'); } }, ); $mw->bind('<Control-q>', sub { $mw->destroy }); $selview->configure(-text => 'Ctrl-q to exit.'); $mw->after( 2500, sub { $selview->configure( -text => 'Select text with mouse or keyboard.', ); }, ); $t->insert('end', "testing\ntesting\n1-2-3 testing"); $t->focus; MainLoop;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl/Tk Tk::Text <<Selection>> event
by converter (Priest) on May 01, 2003 at 01:54 UTC

    After further testing I've discovered that my code misses the "event" that occurs when another application claims the selection. The only remedy I've found for this is to set the -exportselection attribute FALSE for Text, Entry and other widgets.

Re: Perl/Tk Tk::Text <<Selection>> event
by grizzley (Chaplain) on Apr 18, 2008 at 11:25 UTC

    Great! ++ for unique example of working with selections. I spent half a day searching on Google and it seemed that such example doesn't exist...