enoch has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am having a problem getting Perl to bind OUT parameters correctly to Oracle stored procedures using DBD::Oracle. Everything works fine when I am binding them to normal PL/SQL variable types such as NUMBER, VARCHAR2, etc. The real gotcha comes when I try to bind parameters to data types defined in an Oracle package as:
For example, say I create the ultra-simplistic package:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE foo AS PROCEDURE getDept(dept_id IN NUMBER, dept_name OUT VARCHAR2); END foo; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY foo AS PROCEDURE getDept(dept_id IN NUMBER, dept_name OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN SELECT dept INTO getDept.dept_name FROM Dept WHERE idDept = getDept.dept_id; END getDept; END foo;
The Perl code to execute this and pull out the name of the department (dept_name) is simple and works just fine:
my $dbh =DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host=hostname;sid=theSID', 'user', 'pass', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) || die "Database connection not made because:\n\t$DBI::errs +tr\n"; my $deptName; eval { my $func = $dbh->prepare(q{ BEGIN foo.getDept ( :parameter1, :parameter2 ); END; }); $func->bind_param(":parameter1", 9); $func->bind_param_inout(":parameter2", \$deptName, 4); # bind this + parameter as an "inout" $func->execute; }; if( $@ ) { warn "Execution of stored procedure failed because:\n\t$DBI::errstr +\n$@"; } else { print "$deptName\n"; } $dbh->disconnect;
That code correctly prints out the department name. Now, comes the kicker, let's say I want to write a procedure that returns all of the departments. That is, it returns the whole department table. Something like:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE foo AS -- PROCEDURE getDept(dept_id IN NUMBER, dept_name OUT VARCHAR2); /* This is a package wide variable type that can hold the contents of the entire department table */ TYPE deptTable IS TABLE OF dept%rowtype INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE getAllDept(dept OUT deptTable); END foo; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY foo AS PROCEDURE getAllDept(dept OUT deptTable) IS CURSOR cursDept IS SELECT * FROM dept; i NUMBER := 0; BEGIN OPEN cursDept; LOOP FETCH cursDept INTO getAllDept.dept(i); /* put all of the +dept table's records in the variable */ i := i + 1; EXIT WHEN cursDept%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE cursDept; END getAllDept; END foo;
It's a fairly simple procedure and works just fine. Now, I write the Perl code to execute it and gather the results.
use Data::Dumper; my $dbh =DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host=hostname;sid=theSID', 'user', 'pass', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) || die "Database connection not made because:\n\t$DBI::errs +tr\n"; my $deptRecords; eval { my $func = $dbh->prepare(q{ BEGIN foo.getAllDept ( :parameter1 ); END; }); $func->bind_param_inout(":parameter1", \$deptRecords, 4096); $func->execute; }; if( $@ ) { warn "Execution of stored procedure failed because:\n\t$DBI::errstr +\n$@"; } else { print Dumper($deptName); } $dbh->disconnect;
This returns the error that I am not using the right data type.
Execution of stored procedure failed because: ORA-06550: line 3, column 4: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETALLDEPT' ORA-06550: line 3, column 4: PL/SQL: Statement ignored (DBD: oexec error)
So, my question is, how (assuming there is a way) can you bind Perl scalars to Oracle PL/SQL procedure OUT variables that are of a package-defined type? Can you? I have read over DBD::Oracle's POD examples, and I have read all the other pages I could find (Perl DBI Examples, DBI DBD::Oracle and OraPerl FAQ, etc.); and I can't find anything. Is there any Perl/Oracle-guru lurking around the Monastery?
