in reply to Reputation and Accountability

This is a civil society and the Monastery has historically more civil (at least in language) than most places.

If you can't restrain yourself from 'language' that somebody else muted you for, then go to a chat room that accepts chat like that. Many people just don't like being in conversations like that. If they happen to have the ability to mute you, bully to them for doing it!

I'm not a prude, but I AM a father. I also know that there are some monks who are quite young from whom I have seen pretty good code - teens and in one case only 12. Take that into account when you talk on the CB and perhaps you would avoid whatever language got you muted.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Reputation and Accountability
by chip (Curate) on Jun 12, 2003 at 16:35 UTC
    You may note that I haven't complained about being muted per se, because maybe the muting was socially appropriate. In any case that's a question for another thread.

    The issue on this thread is the anonymity of the muting. Please try to stay on topic. It's only polite.

        -- Chip Salzenberg, Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

      Summary of my off topic post: Don't start and you have nothing to worry about.

      Would you expect a bouncer to toss you out of a biker bar for bad language - NO.

      Would you expect somebody to confront you in other public places for bad language - YES, I'd hope they would.

      I agree you should probably have been given a warning but I do support the fact that the power is there and has been given to the Power Users for use at their discretion.


        YOUR MISSING HIS POINT COMPLETELY. Yes all capital letters are necessary. His point is not the fact that he got muted. He does not have a problem with that. He may even agree with the reasoning behind he was muted. THATS NOT THE ISSUE. The issue is that whoever muted him did so annonymously, atleast from the perspective of the muted user. Perhaps some other group can tell who muted who (I know I can't) but for him, he has no idea. He just knows that some monk felt it was necessary to shup him up in the most drastic manner possible.