This is not really obfud. I used figlet to create banner, then my LZ77 compressor to make it shorter and uglier.

$a=v10.10;{$a.=$_=substr($a,3135-&j-94*&j,&j-33).chr&j;print;redo} sub j{<<'!'=~/./g||exit;ord$&} #!! "!" $!$_(!' -!- 5!, E!(_=!/ `!'|#!# b!)|-!, w!,|G!&|`!8_G "&_J""_-!( ,!# 1!$ (!$ 8!% E!%|I!$_1!(_C!$ "##_{!,/a!$|%!% ,! %`Y"$'<##\8!% '!"|=!&'1!* <!#_y"!|b#"|r!%|}!(\6"$\M"&|y#"(7!' >#%(#$")A") N#&_4$"/U#% B$#\t"$_:"#\{"#,|"#_9!$\A"&\1!'|v"%\ C!)|1!+|f"% #%( u$8 @!? `!_ B$$__$% )&= V&. 7$$ ,$& |%<|K&. k $')c%&_J%&|;&&_/&) @&' R"'_"&&|?&&/R%* N'%'v%(`\'#/j!'/u%0 G% ,|^'*|w%((e&& #)!<j%,|2%&\<%)|\%' `%',V%*\O)"\_%] 5&T l*" !

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: LZ77 compression
by ambrus (Abbot) on Mar 20, 2008 at 15:16 UTC