in reply to Tk: Make lines disappear in a Text widget?

Invoke tagConfigure with the -state parameter, with a value 'hidden'. When this tag is added to a range, the text will not be displayed in the text widget. Invoking tagRemove with the tag name and range will make the text visible again.

# A quick demo: hide the selected text, # press the Escape key to make hidden # text visible again $mw = tkinit; $t = $mw->Text->pack; $t->tagConfigure( 'hide', -state => 'hidden', ); $b = $mw->Button( -text => 'Hide', -command => \&hide_text, )->pack; $mw->bind('<Escape>', \&show_text); MainLoop; sub show_text { my @r = $t->tagRanges('hide'); return unless @r; $t->tagRemove('hide', @r); return; } sub hide_text { my @r = $t->tagRanges('sel'); return unless @r; $t->tagAdd('hide',@r); return; }