in reply to Re: Re: Vetting a CGI script
in thread Vetting a CGI script

I'd really recommend not doing that either. For one, the syntax for that call looks like:

$message = "From: blah\nTo: blah\nSubject: blah\n\nmessage\n"; open (SENDMAIL,"|sendmail -i); print SENDMAIL $message; close(SENDMAIL);

(Yes, I know it could be done with multiple print's, but I hate dribbling information through a pipe ...)

Which is a bigger rewrite than moving to Net::SMTP:

use Net::SMTP; $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost'); $smtp->mail($ENV{USER}); # print MAIL "MAIL FROM ..." $smtp->to('postmaster'); # print MAIL "RCPT TO ..." $smtp->data(); # print MAIL "DATA\n"; $smtp->datasend("line 1\n"); # print MAIL ... $smtp->datasend("line 2\n"); # print MAIL ... $smtp->datasend("line 3\n"); # print MAIL ... $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit;

Updated: (duh ... typing "first" w/o a "second")
Second, invoking a whole 'nother app (sendmail) when you've already got perl running is just a bunch more overhead on your server. You then also have any security holes in 'sendmail -i' to remember to look for.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant life form had no
bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt.