in reply to Re: Useful addition to Perl?
in thread Useful addition to Perl?

Personally, I think it should be named simply '', since its primary use is directly on the command line:

perl -MR -ne 'print if _____'

I would normally say that one-letter modules are a bad thing, but the special-purpose use of this one makes it an exception, IMHO.

: () { :|:& };:

Note: All code is untested, unless otherwise stated

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Re: Re: Re: Useful addition to Perl?
by etcshadow (Priest) on Mar 04, 2004 at 23:09 UTC
    Actually, I started this, myself, a while ago... only (in order to avoid certain baddnesses of blowing up @ARGV to impossibly stupidly large proportions) it went a little more like this:
    package r; use strict; use File::Spec; tie @ARGV, 'r::Tie::RecursiveARGVArray', @ARGV; sub import { } package r::Tie::RecursiveARGVArray; use Tie::Array; use base 'Tie::StdArray'; sub TIEARRAY { my ($classname,@init) = @_; bless [@init], $classname; } sub FETCH { # magic here to explode directory contents if -d } # etc
    So that @ARGV didn't actually get enormous... it just added items to the front as while (<>) { implicitly unshift'd stuff off it.

    You can tell by the way that it starts that, actually,

    perl -mr -e ...
    was sufficient (who's got time for the shift key, anyway?). Too bad I never finished... coulda been a neat CPAN contribution... oh, well. Maybe someday, if no one runs off from reading these posts and implements it before I have time to finish it.
    ------------ :Wq Not an editor command: Wq
      OK... I bothered to finish it. Or at least get it to a working state (I don't really like just grepping out the "." and ".." directories... it feels so non-portable (even though I know it's cool on windows and *nix)).
      package r; use strict; tie @ARGV, 'r::Tie::RecursiveARGVArray', @ARGV; sub import { } package r::Tie::RecursiveARGVArray; use Tie::Array; use base 'Tie::Array'; use File::Spec; sub TIEARRAY { my ($classname,@init) = @_; bless [@init], $classname; } sub FETCH { my ($self, $index) = @_; $self->_ReplaceDirs($index,$index); $self->[$index]; } sub FETCHSIZE { my ($self) = @_; scalar @$self; } sub STORE { my ($self, $index, $value) = @_; $self->[$index] = $value; } sub STORESIZE { my ($self, $count) = @_; $#$self = $count - 1; } sub SPLICE { my ($self,$offset,$length,@list) = @_; $self->_ReplaceDirs($offset,$offset+$length-1); splice(@$self,$offset,$length,@list); } sub POP { my ($self,$item) = @_; $self->_ReplaceDirs(-1,-1); pop(@$self); } sub _ReplaceDirs { my ($self, $fromindex, $toindex) = @_; # as long as the index range contains directories, substitute +the directory contents my $recursionguard = 0; while (my @indices = grep { -d $self->[$_] } ($fromindex..$toi +ndex) and $recursionguard++ < 10000) { my $index = $indices[0]; opendir DIR, $self->[$index] or do { warn "Cannot traverse directory $self->[$index +]: $!\n"; splice(@$self, $index, 1, ()); # remove the ba +d-apple next; }; my @contents = readdir DIR or do { warn "Cannot read directory $self->[$index]: $ +!\n"; splice(@$self, $index, 1, ()); # remove the ba +d-apple closedir DIR or warn "Cannot close directory $ +self->[$index] (weird): $!\n"; next; }; closedir DIR or warn "Cannot close directory $self->[$ +index] (weird): $!\n"; # if there is any portable way to do this... I'd like +to hear it! @contents = grep !/^\.{1,2}$/, @contents; # convert directory contents to paths by prepending th +e directory. # even be super nice about using catfile or catdir, ap +propriately @contents = map { my $asfile = File::Spec->catfile( $self->[$ind +ex], $_ ); -f $asfile ? $asfile : File::Spec->catdir( $se +lf->[$index], $_ ); } @contents; # replace directory with its contents splice(@$self, $index, 1, @contents); } } 1;
      complete with example use:
      [me@host]$ cat `find d* -type f` | wc -l 58040 [me@host]$ perl -mr -lne '$x++; END{print $x}' d* 58040 [me@host]$
      I guess now I should pod this up and make it my first contribution to cpan :-D
      ------------ :Wq Not an editor command: Wq

        I think the only problem with all of this is that you arent using it as a wrapper to File::Find. Youve got a good idea here, but hand rolling a directory traversal is not in my opinion smart. Also the way that you do it worries me a touch. Its an interesting implementation of a depth first traveral, but surely its quite inefficient? Arent you repeatedly doing file system checks over the same objects?

        I think you should rewrite this as an alternate interface to File::Find. Which would get you better portability and whole host of hooks and options to add. Overall its a good idea though. And I go with calling it something long and giving it a flexible import() interface. For instance:

        use File::Find::ARGV filter=>sub { /\.txt/i }; while (<>){ ... }

        Anyway, its an interesting idea. ++ to you.


          First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
          -- Gandhi

        Why use (open|read|close)dir and then have to concern yourself with removing '.' & '..' and use File::Spec->catfile/catdir to fix up the pathnames, when glob would take care of (most?) of that for you?

        Examine what is said, not who speaks.
        "Efficiency is intelligent laziness." -David Dunham
        "Think for yourself!" - Abigail

        You really should because I'd be the first to download the module since I've been writing one-liners using File::Find far too often. As you all know, File::Find's interface sucks...

        If you need any support with packaging the module correctly for CPAN, feel free to contact me via email and I'll try to help.
