What happens is when a kill 9 is issued against the hung ssh/scp process, it does not always terminate the ssh/scp process. The actual code is rather length. So, I am going to try to boil it down. Please note that the second "some-perl14-script" is a result of the "defunct" and if I kill that one, the defunct processes clear. This was not an issue under perl 5.12, and only started under 5.14. So I will assume that I am not doing something correct with the kill.
PROCESS TABLE EXAMPLE: PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 13124 uasbatch 16 0 1054m 347m 2568 S 1 11.4 6:50.22 some-perl 3385 someuser 16 0 0 0 0 Z 0 0.0 0:00.00 ssh <defu +nct> 3386 someuser 16 0 0 0 0 Z 0 0.0 0:00.01 ssh <defu +nct> 3387 someuser 17 0 296m 186m 352 S 0 6.2 0:00.00 some-perl

For this I am going to leverage the code that you showed me earlier in the year. I think it may be easier, and I believe the problem would still be there.
#!/opt/PerlDirect/1204/x86_64/bin/perl -slw use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Queue; use IPC::Open3; use FileHandle; use POSIX qw(:errno_h :sys_wait_h); use constant { RANDOM => 15, THREADS => 3, JOBS => 20, TIMEOUT => 2, PW_POLL => 1, }; my $Q = new Thread::Queue; our %PROC_WATCH_CMD :shared; # watch external procs. my $semSTD :shared; sub tprint { my $tid = threads->tid; lock $semSTD; print "[$tid] ", @_; } my $die_early :shared = 0; $SIG{ INT } = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{KILL} = sub { tprint q{Early termination requested}; $Q->dequeue($Q->pending()) if ( $Q->pending() > 0 ); $Q->enqueue( (undef) x THREADS ); $die_early = 1; }; my $semPROCKILL :shared = 0; sub kill_pid { lock $semPROCKILL; return (kill('SIGKILL' => $_[0])) ? 1 : 0; } my $semPROCCHECK :shared = 0; sub is_pid_alive { lock $semPROCCHECK; return (kill('SIGCHLD' => $_[0]) and ! $!{EPERM}) ? 1 : 0; } sub add_to_process_watch { lock %PROC_WATCH_CMD; ## just assume that I am adding other items of interest ## to this shared clone, such as the cmd being run and ## how long I am allowing it to run. these items are ## omitted for now. $PROC_WATCH_CMD{$_[0]} = shared_clone( { q{time} => time, q{thr} => threads->ti +d() } ); } sub remove_from_process_watch { lock %PROC_WATCH_CMD; return if ( ! defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq q{} ); delete $PROC_WATCH_CMD{$_[0]} if ( defined $PROC_WATCH_CMD{$_[0]} ); } my $semPW :shared = 0; sub process_watcher { lock $semPW; while ( ! $die_early ) { tprint q{process_watcher is running}; sleep( PW_POLL ); { lock %PROC_WATCH_CMD; tprint q{process_watcher is running}; foreach ( keys %PROC_WATCH_CMD ) { unless ( is_pid_alive( $_ ) ) { remove_from_process_watch( $_ ) if ( defined $PROC_WATCH_CMD +{$_} ); next; } next unless( ( time - $PROC_WATCH_CMD{$_}{'time'} ) > TIMEOUT +); tprint q{PROCESS_TIMEOUT: } . $_; kill_pid($_) if ( is_pid_alive($_) ); } } } tprint q{process_watcher is finished}; return 1; } sub worker { tprint q{worker started}; my( $Q ) = @_; my $h = { q{stdin} => FileHandle->new, q{stdout} => FileHandle->new, q{stderr} => FileHandle->new }; while( !$die_early and defined( my $job = $Q->dequeue ) ) { ## we will use sleep here, in the real world this is an ## ssh/scp command. tprint q{processing job: } . $job; my $pid = open3( $h->{'stdin'}, $h->{'stdout'}, $h->{'stderr'}, q{ +sleep } . int(rand RANDOM) ) or die $!; add_to_process_watch( $pid ); tprint q{waiting for pid: } . $pid; waitpid $pid, 0; tprint q{pid: } . $pid . q{ done}; remove_from_process_watch( $pid ); } tprint q{Worker ending}; return 1; } ## MAIN $Q->enqueue( map "JOB-$_", 1 .. JOBS ); $Q->enqueue( (undef) x THREADS ); tprint q{Queue populated}; my $proc_watch = threads->new( \&process_watcher ); my @threads = map threads->new( \&worker, $Q ), 1 .. THREADS; tprint q{Workers started; waiting...}; $_->join for @threads; print q{Program complete};