in reply to Regrettable module names

Here's one that I'm not sure of -- Sort::Merge. It implements the algorithim commonly called merge sorting. Unfornatly, it doesn't sort -- it takes multiple files, which are already sorted, and merges them info one file, that is sorted. But I'm stuck with the name, because it's what everybody calls the algo.

Another that I'm not sure of, that indicates a general problem, I think. I'm working on a interface to my bank's web-banking. It's called Finance::Bank::Norisbank (yeah, compony names don't make good namespaces, but there's really nothing better to call it, other then, perhaps, Finance::Bank::DE::Norisbank, or Finance::Bank::DE::<their bank routing number here>. The first is getting too long, the second is unreadable.

The real problem, though, is the class that is to be used to represent a transaction. By design, it's supposed to be general enough to represent any transaction, or at least any transaction against a german bank. Should I name it Finance::Bank::Transaction, Finance::Bank::DE::Transaction, or are those taking up valuable namespace for something that will probably only be used by me, and it should be Finance::Bank::Norisbank::Transaction?

(BTW, Finance::Bank::Norisbank is not ready for CPAN yet.)