lwicks has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Everyone,
It's getting late here and my brain is fried, so I am casting this problem out to the monks to help me if possible.

I am writing a DBD::ANYDATA sql script (below) which I want to update the "wins" field in an existing table. I presently get the following error:

Execution ERROR: No such column 'JUDOKA.WINS' called from /nfs/cust/4/7/3/judoco/e-judo/simulate.cgi at 197.

The segment of code in question is:

# Use DBI to connect to the judoka_csv datafile #----------------------------------------------- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData(RaiseError=>1):'); # +tell DBI we want to use the Anydata module in ./MyLibs $dbh->func( 'judoka', 'CSV', 'data/judoka_csv', 'ad_catal +og'); # Connect to the users_csv data file # select from the datafile the id for the user ID from th +e array paased from the previous sub routine my $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM judoka WHERE judoka_id = ? +"; # this is the SQL command we want to execute my $sql_params = ($winner); # Th +eese are the parameteres we will use in the SQL command above print $query->p("$sql_query\n[$sql_params]\n") if $DEBUG; + # if we are in debug mode print the SQL statement my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql_query ); + # prepare the SQL command $sth->execute( $sql_params ); +# excecute the SQL using our parameters my @winner_data = $sth->fetchrow_array; # this line takes + the results of the select and puts it in the array called RESULTS $dbh->disconnect(); # we are done with the datbase for no +w, so disconnect from it (MAY NOT BE NECESSARY) print $query->p("result = ", @winner_data)if $DEBUG; + # Prints the result of our SQL command if we are in debug +mode. # grab the number of wins and then add one to it and inse +rt back into the DB my $wins = $winner_data[10] + 1; print $query->p("winner =",$winner," and Wins = ", $wins) +if $DEBUG; my $sql_insert ="UPDATE judoka SET wins = ? WHERE judoka_ +id = ?"; my @sql_insert_params = ($wins,$winner); print $query->p("$sql_insert\n[@sql_insert_params]\n") if + $DEBUG; # if we are in debug mode print the SQL stat +ement $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql_insert ); +# prepare the SQL command $sth->execute( @sql_insert_params ); + # excecute the SQL using our parameters
Please forgive the messy code and what is no doubt a simple problem! Lance

Kia Kaha, Kia Toa, Kia Manawanui!
Be Strong, Be Brave, Be perservering!