Sometimes I make programs that could require some hours to run. This is usually to analyse some gigs of compressed data, or things like that, so I need to use them occasionally. The issue is that I would like to interrupt the process (e.g. to go home when I'm at work, or simply because I need 5 minutes of CPU) and let it resume without the need to restart it from the beginning.

Thus, I thought to program something that would support state preserving without too much hassle for the user (me :); of course, at the moment "state" means variable values, not other things. I started from vars and added some stuff to support this, here's what came out.

package vars::persistent; =head1 NAME vars::persistent - Perl pragma to predeclare persistent global variabl +e names =head1 SYNOPSIS use vars::persistent qw($frob @mung %seen); use vars::persistent '<file name.dat', qw($frob @mung %seen); vars::persistent::checkpoint('file name here'); # save variables vars::persistent::checkpoint(); # use last file na +me vars::persistent::restore('file name.dat'); # restore saved va +riables vars::persistent::restore(); # ditto, with last + file name =head1 DESCRIPTION This pragmatic module works much like L<vars>, from which the main imp +ort routine has been taken. In addition, each variable declared here is also track +ed, so that you can save them all to a file or retrieve their values, which can co +me handy if you're making an application which needs to save its state and retriev +e it later. See L<perlmodlib/Pragmatic Modules> and L<vars>. =head2 IMPORT You specify variables to I<use> much like the L<var> pragmatic module. + You cannot use sigils C<*> and C<&>, which aren't storable. You can optionally specify a filename prepending a C<<> to it. =head2 FUNCTIONS =cut use 5.006; use warnings::register; use strict qw(vars subs); use Storable; our $VERSION = '1.01'; my @variables; my $filename; sub import { my $callpack = caller; my ($pack, @imports) = @_; my $filename; my ($sym, $ch); foreach (@imports) { if (($ch, $sym) = /^([\$\@\%])(.+)/) { if ($sym =~ /\W/) { # time for a more-detailed check-up if ($sym =~ /^\w+[[{].*[]}]$/) { require Carp; Carp::croak( "Can't declare individual elements of hash or array" +); } elsif (warnings::enabled() and length($sym) == 1 and $sym !~ tr/a-zA-Z//) { warnings::warn("No support for built-in vars"); } ## end elsif (warnings::enabled(... elsif (($^H &= strict::bits('vars'))) { require Carp; Carp::croak( "'$_' is not a valid variable name under strict vars +"); } } ## end if ($sym =~ /\W/) $sym = "${callpack}::$sym" unless $sym =~ /::/; *$sym = ( $ch eq "\$" ? \$$sym : $ch eq "\@" ? \@$sym : $ch eq "\%" ? \%$sym : do { require Carp; Carp::croak("'$_' is not a valid variable name"); } ## end do ); push @variables, [$sym, $ch]; } ## end if (($ch, $sym) = /^([\$\@\%\*\&])(.+)/) elsif (($ch, $sym) = /^([\>\:])(.+)/) { if ($ch eq '>') { $filename = $sym } else { # Import routine inside... } } else { require Carp; Carp::croak("'$_' is not a valid variable name"); } } ## end foreach (@imports) restore($filename) if ($filename); } ## end sub import =over 5 =item my $ris = checkpoint($filename); Make a checkpoint, i.e. save specified variables to $filename. If omit +ted, last value specified in either C<checkpoint> or C<restore> (see below) is u +sed. Returns undef if file could not be opened, 1 otherwise. =cut sub checkpoint { my ($f) = @_; $filename = $f if defined $f; open my $fh, ">", $filename or return; foreach (@variables) { my ($sym, $sigil) = @$_; my $s = ( $sigil eq "\$" ? \$$sym : $sigil eq "\@" ? \@$sym : $sigil eq "\%" ? \%$sym : undef ); next unless $s; Storable::nstore_fd($s, $fh); } ## end foreach (@variables) close $fh; return 1; } ## end sub checkpoint =item my $ris = restore($filename); Restore variable values from $filename. If omitted, last value specified in either C<checkpoint> above or C<restore> is used. Returns undef if file could not be opened, 1 otherwise. =cut sub restore { my ($f) = @_; $filename = $f if defined $f; open my $fh, "<", $filename or return; foreach (@variables) { my $iref = Storable::fd_retrieve($fh); my ($sym, $sigil) = @$_; if ($sigil eq '$') { $$sym = $$iref } elsif ($sigil eq '@') { @$sym = @$iref } elsif ($sigil eq '%') { %$sym = %$iref } } ## end foreach (@variables) close $fh; return 1; } ## end sub restore 1; __END__ =back =head1 EXAMPLE Suppose you have a program that must do lengthy calculations. You may need your computer at some time, so you could like to stop the calcula +tions for a while, then restore them later - this module aims to help you do that seamlessly (more or less). # Yes, you'll get global variables... The following declaration will # preload values for variables if "file.dat" is present use vars::persistent '<file.dat' qw( $foo @bar %baz ); # Initialisation unless $foo is already defined, assuming it is if # the file is present unless (defined $foo) { $foo = 0; @bar = qw( follow me ); %baz = ( a => 10, b => [12, 35], c => { d => 'hallo', e => 'all'}) +; } # Install termination handler to save upon exit my $exit_please; $SIG{__TERM__} = sub { $exit_please = -1 unless $exit_please; exit(0) + } # Start long calculation that relies on above state variables # We assume that the single cycle can be taken to the end before # exiting here while (! $exit_please) { # Perform something here. Set $exit_please to 1 if calculation is # terminated. And yes, I don't want to care about race conditions # now... } # Save state variables for next time, if applicable vars::persistence::checkpoint() if $exit_please < 0; =head1 BUGS There are lots of bugs, but that's the real puzzle for you to solve - +where are they? I should learn how to export the two functions. No attempt to preserve integrity during save is attempted. I should re +ally save to a temporary, then move to the target file. =head1 AUTHOR I don't know who the author of is. Flavio Poletti E<lt>flavio@polettix.itE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE A big chunk of this module is from the author(s) of I did not find their copyright notice, but I assume that it is the same as Perl itself being a CORE module. The rest of the stuff is Copyright (C) 2005 by Flavio Poletti For the same reason, I assume that the following should be quite fair: This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut
I also did a simple test script:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 'no_plan'; ######################### # Three variables used as constants in the following my $rfoo = 10; my @rbar = qw( ciao a tutti ); my %rbaz = ( first => 'aaaa', second => ['bbbb'], third => { yes => 'a +nd so on'} ); # Declare three persistent variables. The mechanism is the # same as use vars. use vars::persistent qw( $foo @bar %baz ); # Initialise to the constant values above $foo = $rfoo; @bar = @rbar; %baz = %rbaz; # Silly verification here is($foo, $rfoo, "scalar value"); is_deeply(\@bar, \@rbar, "array"); is_deeply(\%baz, \%rbaz, "hash"); # Checkpoint, i.e. save to file vars::persistent::checkpoint('savefile'); # Reset values $foo = 0; @bar = (); %baz = (); # Restore from file vars::persistent::restore(); # file name is cached # These tests are the real one now is($foo, $rfoo, "scalar value"); is_deeply(\@bar, \@rbar, "array"); is_deeply(\%baz, \%rbaz, "hash");
I feel like I'm reinventing some wheel here, but it was not much work and, moreover, the most similar concept was maybe that of Session, which was a bit overkill here - I liked the idea to save and restore variables directly, instead of having some interface structure to work with.

I also know that there is much, much space for improvement, so I'd like to have some feedback from you wised monks :)

perl -ple'$_=reverse' <<<ti.xittelop@oivalf

Don't fool yourself.