User since: Sep 16, 2005 at 05:25 UTC (19 years ago)
Last here: Dec 07, 2014 at 08:22 UTC (9 years ago)
Experience: 1002
Level:Friar (9)
Writeups: 136
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 05:18 -08
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I'm a sysadmin, and use perl pretty extensively. I find it surprising how perl code that sysadmins write tends to be just converted shell s‎crip‎ts, with no subroutines, plenty of global variables, code not split up into modules. Understandable, since many admins are overloaded with things to do, like fighting fires, and often the easiest way ends up resulting in spaghetti code. But I think it also often ends up creating more fires to fight. Or, at the other extreme, admins are too bored, and don't feel motivated to break things up into modules and make their code more robust. A cycle that feeds on itself...

Some of my other sites:

-- Burvil