powerhouse has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

This is more of a Crypt::CBC question... So if you are familiar with it, I would appreciate some help, if you can.

I wrote a script, which encrypts some data before saving it in a database. It is not really important and imperitive that I make it work, but, I would like to know what I'm doing wrong...

Here is the error I'm getting:
Software error: Cipher stream did not contain IV or salt, and you did not specify thes +e values in new() at /home/##username##/public_html/vars.cgi line 425
Here is that subroutine that has that line:
sub decryptData { my $ciphertext = shift; my $key = "Some Key Here, but Not Shown Here for several purposes"; my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new ($key, "Blowfish"); # This is line 425 return ($cipher->decrypt_hex ($ciphertext)); }
Do you see what it is talking about by Salt or IV?

thx for any/all help,