in reply to How (Not) To Ask A Question

I have a difficult time seeing this as "good" code:

while (<STDIN>) { chomp; if ($_ =~ /hello/) { &style1(); } else { &style2(); exit; } } sub style1() { print "hello\n"; } sub style2() { print "bye\n"; }

There's inconsistent brace styling, the useless use of & on subroutine calls, useless prototypes, and a useless use of $_ =~. I'm not sure if explictly using STDIN is helpful either; it depends on the intent of this program. I hate to miss out on magic ARGV behavior. I'm also not sure that chomp has any value in the code snippet.

How about:

while (<STDIN>) { unless (/hello/) { style2(); exit; } style1(); } sub style1 { print "hello\n"; } sub style2 { print "bye\n"; }