Everyone knows this famous japh without special chars:
not exp log srand xor s qq qx xor s x x length uc ord and print chr ord for qw q join use sub tied qx xor eval xor print qq q q xor int eval lc q m cos and print chr ord for qw y abs ne open tied hex exp ref y m xor scalar srand print qq q q xor int eval lc qq y sqrt cos and print chr ord for qw x printf each return local x y or print qq s s and eval q s undef or oct xor time xor ref print chr int ord lc foreach qw y hex alarm chdir kill exec return y s gt sin sort split
It prints "just another perl hacker", but I thought, why not "Just another Perl hacker,\n"? I wrote an extension with 42 character lines:
not srand xor s qq qx xor s x x length uc ord and print uc chr ord for qw q join qx xor eval xor lc eval qq x abs cos ord and print chr ord for qw q use substr tied qx xor print qq q q xor int eval lc qq m cos and print chr ord for qw y abs ne or tied hex exp ref y m xor scalar srand print qq q q xor sin abs eval q x log srand ord or printf uc chr ord foreach qw q package qx xor sqrt eval lc qq y sqrt cos and printf chr ord for qw x each return local x y or print qq s s and uc exp eval q s undef or oct xor time xor ref print chr int ord lc for qw y hex alarm chdir kill exec return y s xor log exp eval q x print chr length join qw y length for map substr chr shift y x or sqrt abs ord lc and eval print q q q and s q q lcfirst chr eval log shift qx