in reply to starting RTF Writer

not sure if its too late but I build a function to help with the table creation, probably could be better but works for now
my $tableVal2 = [2500,1900,1200, 1400]; my @tableData2 = ( ['this', "bnlut", 'jhsdfhjsa', 'thing'], ["that", "this", 'kjhsadfh', 'ben'], ["me", "none", 'slhdfjhsf', 'prat'], ); &table($tableVal2, @tableData2); ## calls the table function which + uses the array for values sub table(){ my($localVal, @localData) = @_; my $decl = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new('widths' => $localVa +l ); $fh->row($decl, @$_) for @localData; }