Here's a crappy non-modular IRC bot I wrote... Feel free (read: I implore you) to make this (much) better.

#!/usr/bin/perl # Public Domain # Release 070726a -- "Elric" # Wow, that's a lot of modules... use strict; use warnings; use Digest::SHA1; use POE qw(Component::IRC); use URI::Find; use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector; use Text::Ispell qw(:all); use Safe; use YAML; # get the configuration my $file = YAML::LoadFile('config.yml'); use constant VERBOSE => $file->{verbose}; my $ircname = $file->{nick}; my $username = $file->{username}; my $server = $file->{server}; my $port = $file->{port}; my %chans; foreach ( @{ $file->{chans} } ) { $chans{$_} = 1; } my %ops; foreach ( @{ $file->{ops} } ) { $ops{$_} = 1; } my $proxy = $file->{proxy}->{location}; my $proxyport = $file->{proxy}->{port}; my $flood = $file->{flood}; my $mynick = $file->{nick}; my $lnk = $file->{linkfile}; # spellcheck stuff terse_mode(1); allow_compounds(1); # it now tells us all about itself if (&VERBOSE > 2) { print( "Loading vars complete.\n" ); print( "Using:\n" ); print( "\$ircname = $ircname\n" ); print( "\$username = $username\n" ); print( "\$lnk = $lnk\n" ); print( "\$server = $server\n" ) print( "\$port = $port\n" ); print( "\$mynick = $mynick\n" ); print( "\%chans = ", join(", ", (keys %chans)) ); print( "\%ops = ", join(", ", (keys %ops)), "\n" ); } # deal with low-verbosity circumstances if (&VERBOSE < 1) { PrivoxyWindowOpen(STDOUT, ">>", $file->{log}); PrivoxyWindowOpen(STDERR, ">>", $file->{log}); if ( fork() ) { exit; } } # spawn the P::C::I object my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn( Nick => $mynick, Server => $server, Port => $port, Ircname => $ircname, Username => $username, Flood => $flood, socks_proxy => $proxy, socks_port => $proxyport ); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [ qw(_default _start irc_001 irc_public irc_msg irc_ +join irc_quit irc_part irc_nick irc_kick irc_invite irc_disconnected +irc_connected irc_socks_failed irc_socketerr) ], ], heap => { irc => $irc }, ); # actual code execution is all done thru POE $poe_kernel->run(); sub _default { return(0) unless &VERBOSE > 3; my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_]; my @output = ( "$event: " ); foreach my $arg ( @$args ) { if ( ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY' ) { push( @output, "[" . join(" ,", @$arg ) . "]" ); } else { push ( @output, "'$arg'" ) if defined $arg; } } print join ' ', @output, "\n"; return 0; } # Registers and connects sub _start { my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP]; $irc->yield( register => 'all' ); $heap->{connector} = POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector->new() +; $irc->plugin_add( 'Connector' => $heap->{connector} ); $irc->yield( connect => { } ); undef; } # Joins channels sub irc_001 { my ($kernel,$sender) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER]; my $poco_object = $sender->get_heap(); print "Connected to ", $poco_object->server_name(), "\n" if &VERBO +SE > 3; if(defined $opts{p}){ $irc->yield( privmsg => 'NickServ' => "IDENTIFY $opts{p}" ); } $irc->yield( join => $_ ) and print "Joined $_.\n" foreach keys %c +hans; undef; } # Does stuff on channel message sub irc_public { my ($kernel,$sender,$who,$where,$what) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0,ARG +1,ARG2]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; # sing & dance if ($what =~ m/^!spellcheck (.+)$/) { my $m; foreach my $msp ( spellcheck($1) ) { if ( $spell->{type} eq 'miss' ) { $m .= "$msp is misspelled; here are some suggestions: +$spell->{misses}. "; } elsif ( $spell->{type} eq 'none ) { $m .= "$msp isn't a word... "; } } $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => $m || "There were no missp +ellings." ); } # seen elsif($what=~m/^!seen (\S+)/ and defined $quote{$1}){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$nick: $1 was last seen i +n $channel{$1} saying '$quote{$1}' at $time{$1}."); } elsif($what=~m/^!seen (\S+)/ and not defined $quote{$1}){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$nick: $1 wasn't recently + seen."); } # visibility elsif($what=~m/^!visible/){ undef $quote{$nick}; } # fortune elsif($what=~m/^!fortune( -o)*$/){ if($1 eq ' -o'){ my $fortune = `fortune -so`; $fortune =~ s/\n/ /gs; $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$nick: $fortune"); } else{ my $fortune = `fortune -s`; $fortune =~ s/\n/ /gs; $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$nick: $fortune"); } } # SHA1 elsif($what =~ m/^!sha1 '(.+)'/){ $sha1->add($1); $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$1: ", $sha1->clone->hexd +igest); $sha1->reset(); } # time elsif($what =~ m/^!time/){ my $date = +(gmtime)[5]+1900 . " years " . (gmtime)[4] . " mon +ths " . (gmtime)[3] . " days " . (gmtime)[2] . " hours " . (gmtime)[1 +] . " minutes " . (gmtime)[0] . " seconds (" . (gmtime)[7] . "th day +of the year) and it is a " . qw(sunday monday tuesday wendsday thursd +ay friday saturday)[(gmtime)[6]-1]; $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => "$date" ); } # join elsif($what =~ m/^!join (#\S+)/ ){ $irc->yield( join => $1 ); $chans{$1} = 1; } # reload elsif($what =~ m/^!reload/){ &reload; } # lnk elsif($what =~ m/^!link/){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => $link[int(rand($#link+1))] +); } # quit elsif($what =~ m/^!quit (#\S+)/){ if(defined $ops{$nick}){ $irc->yield( part => $1 ); delete $chans{$1}; } else{ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "You can't do that!" ); } } # chans elsif($what =~ m/^!channels/){ my $chann; foreach(keys %chans){ $chann .= "$_ "; } $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => $chann ); } # addops elsif($what =~ m/^!op (\S+)/){ if(defined $ops{$nick}){ $ops{$1} = 1; $irc->yield ( privmsg => $1 => "You have been oped." ); } else{ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "Trying to cheat, eh?" ); } } # google elsif($what =~ m/^!google (.+)/){ &google($1, $channel); } # help elsif($what =~ m/^!help/){ &help($nick); } # Perl code execution... elsif ($what =~ m/^!perl (.+)$/) { my $safe = new Safe; $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => $safe->reval($1) ); } else{ $quote{$nick} = $what unless defined $quote{$nick} and $quote{ +$nick} eq '!invisible'; $time{$nick} = `date`; $channel{$nick} = $channel; } $finder->find(\$what); print "<$channel> $nick: $what\n" if &VERBOSE > 2; } sub irc_msg { my $what = $_[ARG2]; my ($nick, undef) = split(/!/, $_[ARG0]); if ($what =~ m/^!spellcheck (.+)$/) { my $m; foreach my $msp ( spellcheck($1) ) { if ( $spell->{type} eq 'miss' ) { $m .= "$msp is misspelled; here are some suggestions: +$spell->{misses}. "; } elsif ( $spell->{type} eq 'none ) { $m .= "$msp isn't a word... "; } } $irc->yield( privmsg => $channel => $m || "There were no missp +ellings." ); } # seen elsif($what=~m/^!seen (\S+)/ and defined $quote{$1}){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$1 was last seen in $channel +{$1} saying '$quote{$1}' at $time{$1}."); # Add date, channel functionality } elsif($what=~m/^!seen (\S+)/ and not defined $quote{$1}){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$1 wasn't recently seen."); } elsif($what=~m/^!die$/){ if(defined $ops{$nick}){ &irc_disconnected; } } # addops elsif($what =~ m/^!op (\S+)/){ if(defined $ops{$nick}){ $ops{$1} = 1; $irc->yield ( privmsg => $1 => "You have been oped." ); } else{ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "Trying to cheat, eh?" ); } } # quit elsif($what =~ m/^!quit (#\S+)/){ if(defined $ops{$nick}){ $irc->yield( part => $1 ); delete $chans{$1}; } else{ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "You can't do that!" ); } } # visibility elsif($what=~m/^!visible/){ undef $quote{$nick}; } # fortune elsif($what=~m/^!fortune( -o)*$/){ if(defined $1 and $1 eq ' -o'){ my $fortune = `fortune -os`; $fortune =~ s/\n/ /gs; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$fortune"); } else{ my $fortune = `fortune -s`; $fortune =~ s/\n/ /gs; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$fortune"); } } # SHA1 elsif($what =~ m/^!sha1 (.+)/){ $sha1->add($1); $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$1: ", $sha1->clone->hexdige +st); $sha1->reset(); } # time elsif($what =~ m/^!time/){ my $date = +(gmtime)[5]+1900 . " years " . (gmtime)[4] . " mon +ths " . (gmtime)[3] . " days " . (gmtime)[2] . " hours " . (gmtime)[1 +] . " minutes " . (gmtime)[0] . " seconds (" . (gmtime)[7] . "th day +of the year) and it is a " . qw(sunday monday tuesday wendsday thursd +ay friday saturday)[(gmtime)[6]-1]; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "$date" ); } # join elsif($what =~ m/^!join (#\S+)/ ){ $irc->yield( join => $1 ); $chans{$1} = 1; } # reload elsif($what =~ m/^!reload/){ &reload; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "Reload completed."); } # lnk elsif($what =~ m/^!link/){ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => $link[int(rand($#link+1))]); } # google elsif($what =~ m/^!google (.+)/){ &google($1, $nick); } # chans elsif($what =~ m/^!channels/){ my $chann; foreach(keys %chans){ $chann .= "$_ "; } $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => $chann ); } # help elsif($what =~ m/^!help/){ &help($nick); } # Perl code execution... elsif ($what =~ m/^!perl (.+)$/) { my $safe = new Safe; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => $safe->reval($1) ); } else{ $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "Command not recognized." ); } $finder->find(\$what) and &reload; print "<PRIVMSG> $nick: $what\n" if &VERBOSE > 1; } sub irc_join { my ($hinick, undef) = split(/!/, $_[ARG0]); $irc->yield( 'privmsg' => $_[ARG1] => "Hello $hinick!" ) unless $h +inick eq $mynick or $greet; print "$hinick has joined ", $_[ARG1], ".\n"; $irc->yield( 'mode' => $_[ARG1] => '+o' => $hinick ); } sub irc_socketerr { die("Couldn't connect to server."); } sub irc_socks_failed { print "SOCKS connection failed.\n" if &VERBOSE > 1; } sub irc_connected { } sub irc_disconnected { print "Disconnected from server.\n" if &VERBOSE > 1; } sub irc_invite { $irc->yield( join => $_[ARG1] ); $chans{$_[ARG1]} = 1; print "Joined ", $_[ARG0], ".\n" if defined $opts{v}; } sub irc_kick { print $_[ARG2], " was kicked from ", $_[ARG1], ".\n" if defined $o +pts{v}; delete $chans{$_[ARG1]} if $_[ARG2] eq $mynick; } sub irc_nick { print $_[ARG0], " has changed their nick to ", $_[ARG1], ".\n" if +defined $opts{v}; } sub irc_part { print $_[ARG0], " has left ", $_[ARG1], ".\n" if defined $opts{v}; } sub irc_quit { print $_[ARG0], " has quit.\n" if defined $opts{v}; } sub findsub { push @link, $_[1]; print LNK "$_[1]\n"; print "Link found: $_[1]!\n"; } sub reload { PrivoxyWindowOpen(LNK, "<", $lnk); @link = <LNK>; close(LNK); PrivoxyWindowOpen(LNK, ">>", $lnk); } sub google { my $search = ' +h&safe=off&q=' . $_[0]; $search =~ s/ /+/g; $search =~ s/[^\w\+\d]//g; $irc->yield( privmsg => $_[1] => $search ); } sub help { my $nick = $_[0]; $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "bansheebot revision mustang" ) a +nd $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => "Commands:" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !chans\tprints the list of chan +nels bansheebot's on" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !link\tgives a link" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !seen\tshows the last time the +specified user was seen" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !invisible\tmakes someone invis +ible to the bot" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !visible\tundos the effects of +!invisible" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !fortune (-o)\tgives a (possibl +y offensive) fortune" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !sha1\tgives the SHA1 hash of s +omething" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !time\tgives the time" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !join\tmakes the bot join a cha +nnel" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !reload\treloads the link and p +orn files. Use after adding a link to bring it into rotation" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !quit\t(bot ops only) removes t +he bot from a channel" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !channels\tprints the list of c +hannels the bot is on" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !op\t(bot ops only) add a user +to the list of ops" ) and $irc->yield( privmsg => $nick => " !help\tthis message" ); } =head1 NAME - an average ircbot =head1 SYNOPSIS ./ =head1 DESCRIPTION An oh-so-average perl irc bot. The only distinguishing feature is that + no attempt was made to make it modular, which is probably a Bad Thin +g =head2 Configuration file Just run, then edit config.yml. If you can't edit config.yml +, you have failed the idiot test. =head1 AUTHOR banshee - <http://xma2yjxfjfyvvid6.onion/> My contact info changes fre +quently, but I've kept that onion longer than I have any email addy, +so that's the safest way for contact... =head1 COPYRIGHT public domain =head1 BUGS If you find one, track me down and send it my way... =cut

The accompanying config file:
--- chans: - '#channeltojoin' - '#anotherchanneltojoin' - '#athirdchanneltojoin' flood: 1 log: /dev/null nick: yournickhere port: 7776 proxy: location: where your SOCKS proxy server is port: the port your SOCKS proxy server is serving on server: the IRC server you want to connect to username: some witty comment verbose: 0