in reply to Gtk2 File Selection

This should work:
my $file; my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new( 'Select a File', undef, 'open', 'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel', 'gtk-ok' => 'ok', ); if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) { $file = $dialog->get_filename; print "file = $file\n"; } $dialog->destroy;
See the documentation page for more: FileChooserDialog.

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Re^2: Gtk2 File Selection
by Cheater (Novice) on Jul 27, 2007 at 03:32 UTC
    That code worked perfect. I have one last question. How can I make it so the user can only select files of a certain format (i.e. only image files)?
      you reject his choice, and re-present the dialog