in reply to Separate word and number

With some hash data to describe what should link to where, you could always do something like this to each line of the file and ultimately render the page (as follows):
my @links = ('colorado-pc','http://colorado:5810', 'pm', ''); my %linkHash = @links; my @linkKeys = keys %linkHash; my @lines = ('christine|colorado10|colorado-pc|10/09/08|XP tom|califor +nia12|go49ers-pc|09/12/08|vista', 'pm'); my $htmlPage = '<html><table>'; foreach my $line (@lines) { # substitute links foreach my $link (@linkKeys) { my $tmpLink = aWrap($linkHash{$link},$link); $line =~ s/$link/$tmpLink)/g; } #split the | into table delimeters $line =~ s/\|/<\\td><td>/g; # tack on table html code $line = '<tr><td>'.$line.'</td></tr>'; #add 2 page $htmlPage .= $line; } $htmlPage .= '</table></html>'; print $htmlPage."\n"; sub aWrap { my $ref = shift; my $title = shift; return "<a href='$ref'> $title </a>" }
It's a bit wordy, but you get the idea.
Update This isn't the best way, but to do that I'd have to know more about what you've already tried/what libs are you using. Till then, this is A way to do things.
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