in reply to Re: Matching set of paragraph tags with string inside.
in thread Matching set of paragraph tags with string inside.

One minor difference is that splitting this way removes the close-paragraph, but not the open-paragraph, so you need to remove it.
my @arr = grep {/\[tab\]/ and s/^<p>//} split /<\/p>/, $contents;
If you wanted to retain both tags, you could do so by splitting on a lookbehind expression:
my @arr = grep /\[tab\]/, split /(?<=<\/p>)/, $contents;
You'd also retain the paragraph-close if you used it for $/ and read the string as a file.
{ local $/ = '</p>'; open (STR, '<', \$contents) or die "Opening string: $!\n"; @arr = grep /^<p>/ && /\[tab\]/, <STR>; print "read $_\n" for @arr; }
But now I'm just getting silly.

Caution: Contents may have been coded under pressure.