A few recent nodes could be solved by reusable threads. All my examples were for Tk or Gtk2, so this is a pure commandline demonstration. It starts 10 reusable threads as a pool, and cycles thru the alphabet. Each thread will pick up a letter, and count to 10 with it( with random time intervals). When done a thread is made available for reuse, and this continues until the data(alphabet) is exhausted and all threads finish. It's not perfect. I use some goto's to break out of nested loops, and some other acrobatics. :-) If anyone can see how to avoid the goto's, with the same clarity, please post it. :-)

This concept is useful when you have objects in your threads which are not totally threadsafe. Reusing threads will usually save some memory gains often associated with creating/destroying/creating threads.

I tried to keep it as simple as possible, so a new threads user can see what is happening.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; my %shash; my @to_be_processed = ('a'..'z'); my @ready:shared = (); my $numworkers = 10; foreach my $dthread(1..$numworkers){ share $shash{$dthread}{'go'}; $shash{$dthread}{'go'} = 0; share $shash{$dthread}{'fileno'}; #in case you want $shash{$dthread}{'fileno'} = ''; #shared filehandles share $shash{$dthread}{'data'}; $shash{$dthread}{'data'} = ''; share $shash{$dthread}{'pid'}; $shash{$dthread}{'pid'} = -1; share $shash{$dthread}{'die'}; $shash{$dthread}{'die'} = 0; $shash{$dthread}{'thread'} = threads->new(\&worker, $dthread); push @ready, $dthread; } print "\t\t",scalar @ready," threads a key to start +threads\n"; <>; while (my $t = shift(@ready)){ $shash{$t}{'data'} = shift @to_be_processed; $shash{$t}{'go'} = 1; } while(1){ if( scalar @ready > 0 ){ if( my $data = shift @to_be_processed ){ my $t = shift(@ready); $shash{$t}{'data'} = $data; $shash{$t}{'go'} = 1; print "thread $t restarting\n"; }else{ print "out of input\n"; goto WAIT; } } } WAIT: print "\n\n\nWAITING FOR FINISH\n\n\n"; while(1){ print "\n\n\n",scalar @ready," are ready\n\n\n"; if ( scalar @ready < $numworkers ){ sleep 1}else{ foreach my $t(@ready){ $shash{$t}{'die'} = 1; $shash{$t}{'thread'}->join; print "joining thread $t\n"; } exit; } } sub worker{ my $thr_num = shift; print "$thr_num started\n"; #create your reusable objects here if needed my $count; START: while(1){ if( $shash{$thr_num}{'die'} ){ print "thread $thr_num finishing\n"; return} #wait for $go_control if($shash{$thr_num}{'go'}){ if($shash{$thr_num}{'die'}){ print "thread finishing\n"; return} $count++; my $str = ' 'x$thr_num; #printout spacer print $str.$thr_num.'->'.$count.$shash{$thr_num}{'data' +},"\n"; if ($count > 10){ goto RECYCLE; } #select(undef,undef,undef,.25); sleep rand 5 }else{ $count = 0; select(undef,undef,undef,.25); }# sleep until awakened } #end while(1) RECYCLE: $shash{$thr_num}{'go'} = 0; print "$thr_num done....going back to sleep\n"; $shash{$thr_num}{'data'} = ''; # clean out temp data from objects here, if needed # see "perldoc -q clear" $count = 0; push @ready, $thr_num; print "pushing $thr_num\n"; goto START; return; }