Category: Web Logging
Author/Contact Info Mike Bohlmann Email Web

Since I don't have access to my ISP's server logs but still want to have some idea of who's visiting my website, I developed this little script that can integrate easily with any existing site. All you need is CGI access of some type.

To install, save the script so it is executable. Also, you'll need to set the $home, $logfile, $ips (IP addresses you want to ignore), and %entries (labels and expressions to match) variables. Be sure to "touch" the logfile and make it writable by the web server's user.

Pick an image, preferably a small one, on your page.

<img src="/cgi-bin/showpic/path_to_pic_in_document_root/pic.jpg">

Each time someone accesses the page with that image, an entry is made in the log with the date, time, and either hostname or IP address. Here's an example of the output. Enjoy.

Wed Apr 05 13:08:26 2000 resume
Wed Apr 05 13:29:29 2000
Thu Apr 06 01:31:47 2000
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# showpic logger

# Setup configuration
# $home - filesystem path to append to images
# $logfile - full path to the logfile you want to use
# $ips - $ip addresses you want to ignore in the log
# %entries - hash of labels => regexes for log

my $home = '/my_path_to/public_html';
my $logfile = '/my_path_to/access_log';
my $ips = '';
my %entries = (
        'home' => 'comatose/index.html$|comatose/$',
        'resume' => 'resume'

use strict;
use Socket;

# Open the pic or DIE!
my $pic = $home . $ENV{PATH_INFO};
open PIC, "$pic" or die "Could not open $pic: $!";

# Get the size and MIME type
my $type = '';
my $size = -s $pic;

if ($pic =~ /gif$/) {
        $type = 'gif';
} elsif ($pic =~ /jpg$/) {
        $type = 'jpeg';
} else {
        die "Unknown image type";

print "Content-type: image/$type\n";
print "Content-length: $size\n\n";

print while (<PIC>);

# Now make the log entry
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, undef, $year, undef, undef) =
my $date = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri',
    'Sat')[(localtime)[6]] . ' ';
$date .= ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug',

# Adjust timestamp to suit taste
$year += 1900;
foreach (($mday, $sec, $min, $hour)) {
        $_ = '0' . $_ if ($_ < 10);

$date .= " $mday $hour:$min:$sec " . $year;

unless ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /$ips/) {
        my $hostname;
        $hostname = 
        AF_INET) or $hostname = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
        my $data = "$date $hostname";
        open LOG, ">>$logfile" or last;
        flock LOG, 2;
        foreach (keys %entries) {
          print LOG "$data $_\n" if 
        ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ /$entries{$_}/);
        close LOG;