in reply to Changing the Font of a specific character in a Text in a Canvas

You can do that with Gtk2 (Gnome2::Canvas and Goo::Canvas) with it's pango markup; but with Tk you would have to string together a few createText, use the bbox on the text to properly position everthing. You must also consider the anchor. Here is an example, but I hard coded 9 into the position, you probably can figure out a way to compute it( maybe not :-) )
#!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; use strict; my $mw=tkinit; $mw->fontCreate('big', -family=>'arial', -weight=>'bold', -size=>int(-24*24/14)); my $c = $mw->Canvas(-bg => 'white')->pack; my $x = 0; my $y = 50; my $t1 = $c->createText($x+50,$y, -anchor=>'w', -fill => 'red', -font => 'big', -text => '4', ); my ($bx,$by,$bx1,$by1)= $c->bbox($t1); print "$bx $by $bx1 $by1\n"; my $t2 = $c->createText ($bx1,$y+9, #computing 9 is difficult -anchor=>'w', # -font => 'big', -fill => 'black', -text=> '2'); ($bx,$by,$bx1,$by1)= $c->bbox($t2); print "$bx $by $bx1 $by1\n"; MainLoop;

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth CandyGram for Mongo