Run this on linux text console only. It won't work in an xterm or similar. (Update:) This looks better if you stand far from the monitor.

clear;perl -we 'ioctl STDIN,19296,$t=pack a8888;while(++$o){select""," +","",0.01;print"\e[H";for$v(0..19){$x=0.5*$_+3e-2*$v*($_-39)+0.5*$o,p +rint vec($t,8-$x%9+8*int(0.9*$v+1.5-3e-3*($_-39)**2)+256*ord substr(" +Just another Perl hacker ",$x/9%26),1)?"#":" "for 0..78;print$/}}'

This is a reimplementation of a japh I have written and lost long ago. Speed depends on the speed of your computer somewhat.