in reply to Toggling test plans with vim

I modified this to take user input for the test count (using the previous value as a default) and leaves your cursor where it was:

if exists( "toggle_test_plan" ) finish endif let toggle_test_plan = 1 map <buffer> <leader>p :call ToggleTestPlan()<cr> function ToggleTestPlan() call <SID>SavePosition() let curr_line = 1 while curr_line <= line("$") if match(getline(curr_line), 'More\s*tests') > -1 %s/More tests =>/More 'no_plan'; # / call <SID>RestorePosition() elseif match(getline(curr_line), 'More\s*''no_plan') > -1 %s/More 'no_plan';\(\s*#\s*\(\d\+\).*\)\?/\="More tests => + " . input("Test Count: ", submatch(2) ) . ";"/ call <SID>RestorePosition() endif let curr_line = curr_line + 1 endwhile endfunction function <SID>SavePosition() let s:curLine = winline() let s:curColumn = wincol() endfunction function <SID>RestorePosition() exe s:curLine exe "normal! ".s:curColumn."|" endfunction