clinton has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi all

I'm using sub _() as a means to localise text, eg:

# set current lang to spanish print _('Hello!'); > ¡Hola!
The sub looks like this:

*::_ = sub { return \*_ unless @_; # to handle eg -e _ $Burro::i18n::Current_Lang->maketext( map {$_} @_ ); };

The second line of the sub is to handle uses of the special filehandle _ in (eg):

stat 'foo' && -e _ && -r _;

However, perl 5.8.9 has added this warning: Use of -l on filehandle _. So while the other -X functions can handle a glob reference to the special filehandle, -l can't.

The code below, in Perl 5.8.8 and 5.10.9 prints 1\n three times, meaning that it works correctly. However, in 5.8.9, you get the failures listed in the comments.

use strict; use warnings; open my $fh,'>','foo' or die $!; print $fh 'foo'; close $fh or die $!; symlink 'foo','bar'; # ln -s foo bar BEGIN { *::_ = sub { return \*_ unless @_; }; } { no warnings; print lstat 'bar' && -l _; # '' (incorrect) print "\n"; } print lstat 'bar' && -l _; # Use of -l on filehandle _ print "\n"; local *_; print lstat 'bar' && -l _; # Undefined subroutine &main::_ print "\n";

If I remove the BEGIN block, then both the -l _ and my _() sub work correctly. Similarly, if I load any modules that use -l _ before defining the _() sub, then everything works correctly. However, this is a fragile way of working around the problem - I'd have check any modules that I use for use of lstat.

Is there any way that I can restore the magic to _?