in reply to Search & Replace Across Two Files

Try this code to see if it is what you are looking for.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $data = 'reference.txt'; open INFILE, '<', $data; my %hash = (); while (<INFILE>) { chomp($_); my ($id,$description)=split(/\t/); #print $id,' << ',$description,"\n"; $hash{ $id } = $description; } #print "\n"; #while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%hash) ) { # print "$key => $value\n"; # } my $data2 = "readthisfile.txt"; open INFILE2, "<", $data2; while(<INFILE2>) { chomp($_); @parts = split /\t/; print "Original \t",++$i,': ',$_,"\n"; print "Replaced \t",$i,': '; foreach $parl(@parts){ if ($parl =~ m/(.*\{)([0-9]+)(\}.*)/) { $parl = $1.$hash{$2}.$3 if exists $hash{$2}; } print $parl,"\t"; } print "\n"; }
perl "D:\Temp\" Process started >>> Original 1: ABCDE Replaced 1: ABCDE Original 2: + + Replaced 2: Original 3: +P237S S{301609239} + + + Replaced 3: +P237S S{kitchen} Original 4: +R372W W{114672573} + + + Replaced 4: +R372W W{study room} Original 5: +K576R R{20531742} R{89242146} + + + Replaced 5: +K576R R{living room} R{terrace} Original 6: +R1059Q Q{126723431} Q{6934272} Replaced 6: +R1059Q Q{126723431} Q{6934272} Original 7: Replaced 7: Original 8: STRKE Replaced 8: STRKE Original 9: Replaced 9: Original 10: +T216I I{301781720} I{148237434} + + + Replaced 10: +T216I I{balcony} I{148237434} Original 11: +V275I I{149632297} I{47224534} + + + Replaced 11: +V275I I{149632297} I{47224534} Original 12: +R13H H{126333615} + + + Replaced 12: +R13H H{126333615} Original 13: +F113L L{301781720} L{148237434} + + + Replaced 13: +F113L L{balcony} L{148237434} Original 14: +G135S S{147902132} S{47224534} S{125864042} + S{107921834} + + Replaced 14: +G135S S{147902132} S{47224534} S{125864042} + S{107921834} Original 15: +T307A A{224050516} A{126333615} + + + Replaced 15: +T307A A{224050516} A{126333615} Original 16: +L217F F{149632297} F{147902132} Replaced 16: +L217F F{149632297} F{147902132} <<< Process finished. ================ READY ================