in reply to Array Sorting

Hi Sreenath,

Here is one way to read csv file and process your data. Here no need to split your data for sorting as you have done in your coding.

use strict; use Text::CSV::Simple; my $parser = Text::CSV::Simple->new; my @data = $parser->read_file("d:\\prasad\\projects\\tools\\test.csv") +; print "Name - Age\n"; print "__________\n"; print $_->[0],' - ', $_->[1],"\n" for (sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @d +ata); output: ======= Name - Age __________ Vikram - 16 Binoy - 19 Tushar - 23 Rahul - 25 Manu - 36 Vijay - 41 Hetal - 54
