in reply to C any bugs?

  1. use strict or die (updated)
  2. declare your variables with my
  3. Try CGI's builtin functions for generating the header, form, tags and actually all html.  use CGI qw/:html3/
  4. I wouldn't use eval to trap errors. There is an option for CGI like use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; (updated).
  5. The while loop could be done more concise:
    while( <GUESTS> ){ #no chomp, we need the \n later on... split /::/; if( $_[0] =~ /$search_name) { print join "<BR>\n", @_; print "<HR>\n"; } }
  6. Try use diagnostics;, maybe you like it. I do.
</code> "We are not alone"(FZ)