Over the last few years, I've helped build private CPANs (DarkPANs or DPANs as brian d foy calls them) for 3 different organizations. Each time I cobbled together some combination of different CPAN::Site, CPAN::Mini::Inject and CPAN modules with various shell scripts, commit hooks, and cron jobs. Although they were generally effective, I feel they were clunky, highly specialized, and hard to maintain.

Once again, I'm faced with building another private CPAN. But this time, I have an opportunity to build something that could have broader appeal in the Perl community. In fact, the explicit goal is to produce an open source, turnkey framework for creating, deploying, and maintaining a private CPAN.

So with that in mind, I'm looking for feedback on what you might want from such a framework. Here are some questions I've been asking myself -- hopefully they will help stir your mind:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Jeffrey Thalhammer
Imaginative Software Systems