My daughter has been showing some interest in learning Perl recently and I've been encouraging it. One thing she has been wrestling with especially is regexes. Remembering the syntax, keeping straight what is in a particular capture group, it's all been a struggle.

I wrote a little perl/Tk utility that lets her test out regexes and shows her what the matches will be in real time with feedback for syntax errors. It has pop-up help balloons and extensive drop down menus of various regex assertions classes and syntactic elements. It uses perl to parse the regex, so it will automatically adjust its error reporting depending on what features are present in the perl it is running on. It ended up working out pretty well, so I polished it up a bit and submitted it here in case anyone else might find it useful.

It has some limitations; it doesn't handle more than 9 capture groups in any one regex, (if you need more than that, write your own damn program :-) ), doesn't handle named Unicode character assertions, ( \N{whatever} ), can't really handle the x modifier flag effectively, (the regex entry is limited to one line), and doesn't treat the input as a stream. (It is just one big string with embedded newlines.) Within those limitations it works pretty well though.

Tested on Windows and Linux. Given some sane defaults but they are fairly easy to override should you so desire.

Give it a try. Comments and suggestions welcome.

Update: fixed some typos.

Included suggestions from zentara and Anonymous Monk. And did a little more tweaking and polishing.

Update 2: I have an updated and more featureful version of this hosted on Github now. See Visual Regex Explorer

#/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use charnames ':full'; use 5.10.0; use Tk; use Tk::TextUndo; use Tk::ROText; use Tk::Entry; use Tk::Pane; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::FontDialog; use Tk::Dialog; use YAML qw(DumpFile LoadFile); my $settings_file = $0 . '.settings'; sub DEBUG () { return 0 } my $OS; given ($^O) { when (/Win32/) { $OS = 'Win32' }; default { $OS = 'Linux' }; }; my %settings = ( regex => '\b((\w)\w*\2)\b', text => 'Put some text in this window to match against.', saved => [ '\b((\w)\w*\2)\b', '\w+' ], font => { # 0: entry, text boxes, 1: menus Win32 => [ '{Courier New} 10', '{Courier New} 8' ], Linux => [ '{Monospace} 10', '{Monospace} 8' ], # Not Wi +n32 }, geometry => '650x480', ); if ( -e $settings_file ) { %settings = LoadFile($settings_file); } my %bg = ( # error label background err => 'orange', ok => 'default', active => 'yellow', inactive => 'gray', highlight => 'yellow', ); my %flag = ( # regex flags case => '', multiple => '', single => '', global => 1 ); my $update; my $error_text; my $matches = 'Matches: '; my $cap_disp = ''; my @show = ( undef, 1 ); # Array of capture display flags # Show first capture by default my %w; # Hash to hold tk widgets; $w{mw} = MainWindow->new; $w{fd} = $w{mw}->FontDialog( -nicefont => 0, -title => 'Select Font', -applycmd => \&apply_font, -familylabel => 'Font Family', -fixedfontsbutton => 1, -nicefontsbutton => 1, -initfont => $settings{font}{$OS}[0], ); $w{reg_img} = $w{mw}->Photo( -format => 'gif', -data => 'R0lGODlhBwAEAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAHAAQAAAIIhA+BGWoNWSg +AOw==' ); $w{help} = $w{mw}->Balloon( -initwait => 1000 ); $w{paned_window} = $w{mw}->Panedwindow( -orient => 'vertical' )->pack( -side => 'top', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both', -pady => 2, -padx => '2m', ); $w{regex_frame} = $w{paned_window}->Frame; $w{result_frame} = $w{paned_window}->Frame; $w{top_frame} = $w{regex_frame}->Frame->pack( -anchor => 'nw', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $w{top_frame}->Label( -text => 'Regex string: ' )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 0 ); $w{top_frame}->Label( -text => 'Modifiers:' )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 1 ); $w{ck_bt_case} = $w{top_frame}->Checkbutton( -text => 'i', -onvalue => 'i', -offvalue => '', -variable => \$flag{case} )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 2 ); $w{help}->attach( $w{ck_bt_case}, -balloonmsg => 'Case insensitive' ); $w{ck_bt_single} = $w{top_frame}->Checkbutton( -text => 's', -onvalue => 's', -offvalue => '', -variable => \$flag{multiple} )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 3 ); $w{help} ->attach( $w{ck_bt_single}, -balloonmsg => 'Single string ( . matche +s \n )' ); $w{ck_bt_multiple} = $w{top_frame}->Checkbutton( -text => 'm', -onvalue => 'm', -offvalue => '', -variable => \$flag{single} )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 4 ); $w{help}->attach( $w{ck_bt_multiple}, -balloonmsg => 'Multiple lines ( ^ and $ apply to each line )' ); $w{ck_bt_global} = $w{top_frame}->Checkbutton( -text => 'g', -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -variable => \$flag{global} )->grid( -row => 1, -column => 5 ); $w{help}->attach( $w{ck_bt_global}, -balloonmsg => 'Global search' ); $w{entry_frame} = $w{regex_frame}->Frame( -height => 1 )->pack( -anchor => 'nw', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $w{mlabel} = $w{entry_frame}->Label( -text => 'm/', -font => $settings{font}{$OS} +[0], ) ->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'n' ); $w{reg_recall} = $w{entry_frame}->Button( -activebackground => $bg{active}, -command => sub { reg_saved( $w{reg_entry}, $settings{sav +ed} ); }, -image => $w{reg_img}, -height => 10, )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'n', ); $w{reg_entry} = $w{entry_frame}->Entry( -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[0], -background => 'white', -text => $settings{regex}, )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $w{labelm} = $w{entry_frame}->Label( -text => '/', -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[ +0], ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'n' ); $w{reg_error} = $w{regex_frame}->Label( -textvariable => \$error_text, + )->pack( -anchor => 'nw', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $bg{ok} = $w{reg_error}->cget( -background ); $w{regex_frame}->Label( -text => 'Text to match against.' )->pack(); $w{reg_text} = $w{regex_frame}->Scrolled( 'TextUndo', -exportselection => 'true', -scrollbars => 'e', -background => 'white', -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[0], )->pack( -anchor => 'nw', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); $w{reg_text}->tagConfigure( 'highlight', -background => $bg{highlight} + ); $w{reg_text}->tagLower('highlight'); $w{output_frame} = $w{result_frame}->Frame()->pack( -anchor => 'nw', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $w{output_frame}->Label( -textvariable => \$matches )->pack( -side => +'left' ); $w{output_frame}->Label( -textvariable => \$cap_disp )->pack( -side => + 'left' ); for ( 1 .. 9 ) { $w{"cap$_"} = $w{output_frame}->Checkbutton( -text => "\$$_", -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -variable => \$show[$_], ); } $w{rst_text} = $w{result_frame}->Scrolled( 'ROText', -scrollbars => 'e', -background => 'white', -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[0], )->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, -anchor => 'n', ); $w{paned_window}->add( $w{regex_frame}, $w{result_frame} ); $w{mw}->geometry( $settings{geometry} ); match_height(); $w{paned_window}->sashPlace( 0, 2, 240 ); $w{mw}->repeat( 500, \&update ); $w{reg_text}->Contents( $settings{text} ); $w{menu} = $w{mw}->Menu( -type => 'menubar' ); $w{mw}->configure( -menu => $w{menu} ); buildmenu(); $w{sure} = $w{mw}->Dialog( -text => 'Are you sure?', -bitmap => 'warning', -title => 'Really?', -default_button => 'Cancel', -buttons => [qw/Cancel Yes/] ); $w{mw}->update; $w{mw}->bind( '<Configure>' => sub { # Detect geometry changes $settings{geometry} = $w{mw}->geometry; save_settings(); } ); MainLoop; sub update { # Check term and matches periodically. return if $update; $update = 1; # Some errors are runtime, not compile time, so trap STDERR open( STDERR, '>', ( $OS eq 'Win32' ) ? 'NULL' : '/dev/null' ) unl +ess DEBUG; my $term = $w{reg_entry}->get; my $flags = $flag{case} . $flag{multiple} . $flag{single}; if ( my $whoopsie = invalid($term) ) { # Check the regex. whine($whoopsie); # Uh oh, There's a compile time regex err +or. $w{reg_text}->tagRemove( 'highlight', '1.0', 'end' ); $update = 0; return; # Notify, remove any highlighting and bai +l. } $error_text = 'Ok'; # Yay. No errors. $w{reg_error}->configure( -background => $bg{ok} ); my $text = $w{reg_text}->Contents; my ( @results, $i, $cap_count ); my @caps = $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/; # Get a count of captures +. my $l = defined $1; show_caps( my $caps = scalar @caps, $l ); my @match_index; if ( $caps > 1 ) { # More than 1 capture in +regex. my @allcaps; if ( $flag{global} ) { @allcaps = $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g; # global regex. while ( $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g ) { push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get match indi +cies } } else { @allcaps = $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/; # single push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get match indi +cies } $cap_count = 'Matches: ' . scalar @allcaps / $caps; for ( 0 .. $#allcaps ) { my $index = $_ % $caps; $i++ unless $index; next unless $show[ $index + 1 ]; # Only save desired ca +ptures push @results, ( $i . '($' . ( 1 + $index ) . "):\t" . $allcaps[$_] ); } } elsif ( $flag{global} ) { # global regex. given (1) { when ( $show[1] and $l ) { # has captures @results = map { ++$i . "(\$1):\t" . $_ } $text =~ /(?$flags)$t +erm/g; while ( $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g ) { push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get match ind +icies } }; when ( !$show[1] and $l ) { # no show @results = map { '' } $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g; while ( $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/gs ) { push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get match ind +icies } }; default { # no captures @results = map { ++$i . ":\t" . $_ } $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g +; while ( $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/g ) { push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get match ind +icies } }; } } else { @results = $text =~ /(?$flags)$term/; # single term n +o captures push @match_index, [ $-[0], ( $+[0] - $-[0] ) ]; # get matc +h indicies } my $results = join "\n", @results; $matches = $cap_count ? $cap_count : 'Matches: ' . scalar @results +; if ( $text eq "\n" or $term eq '' ) { $matches = 'Matches: 0'; $w{rst_text}->Contents(""); $update = 0; return; # Don't update if no term or text. } # Don't update if nothing has changed. if ($w{rst_text}->Contents eq $results . "\n"){ $update = 0; return; } $w{rst_text}->Contents($results); $w{reg_text}->tagRemove( 'highlight', '1.0', 'end' ); # remove highlighting from text. $w{mw}->Busy; my ( $lineidx, $matchacc ) = ( 1, 0 ); for my $match (@match_index) { # highlight the match indicies previously captured. while (1) { my $linelen = length( $w{reg_text}->get( "$lineidx.0", "$lineidx.end" +) ) + 1; last if ( ( $matchacc + $linelen ) > $match->[0] ); $matchacc += $linelen; $lineidx++; } my $offset = $match->[0] - $matchacc; $w{reg_text}->tagAdd( 'highlight', "$lineidx.$offset", "$lineidx.$offset +" . ( $match->[1] ) . 'c' ); } $w{mw}->Unbusy; $update = 0; } sub invalid { # Check to see if a regex is valid. my $term = shift; # Don't bother trying to parse it, eval { '' =~ m/$term/; }; # let perl do it for us. return $@; } sub whine { my $error = shift; $error =~ s/ at .+?$//; # Massage error text a bit +. $error =~ s/[\cM\cJ]//g; $error =~ s/marked by <-- HERE in //; $error_text = $error; # And display it. $w{reg_error}->configure( -background => $bg{err} ); $w{rst_text}->Contents(''); $matches = 'Matches: 0'; $w{reg_text}->tagRemove( 'highlight', '1.0', 'end' ); } sub Tk::Error { # Trap runtime errors. my ( $w, $error, @msgs ) = @_; whine($error) if $error =~ /Unicode property/; # report unicode property +errors say $error if DEBUG; return; } sub show_caps { # show or hide capture che +ckboxes my ( $show, $cap1 ) = @_; if ($cap1) { $cap_disp = ' -- Display captures: '; for ( 1 .. $show ) { $w{"cap$_"}->pack( -side => 'left' ); } for ( $show + 1 .. 9 ) { $w{"cap$_"}->packForget; $show[$_] = 0; } } else { $cap_disp = ''; $w{"cap$_"}->packForget for 1 .. 9; } } sub apply_font { my $font = shift; if ( defined $font ) { $settings{font}{$OS}[0] = $w{mw}->GetDescriptiveFontName($font +); save_settings(); for ( $w{reg_entry}, $w{reg_text}, $w{rst_text}, $w{mlabel}, $w{labelm} ) { $_->RefontTree( -font => $font ); } } match_height(); } sub match_height { $w{mw}->update; $w{reg_recall}->configure( -height => $w{reg_entry}->height - 6 ); } sub buildmenu { # build menus $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Metachars & Assertions', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '\\', ' Quote the next metacharacter' ], [ '^', ' Match the beginning of a line' ], [ '.', ' Match any character (except newline)' ], [ '$', ' Match the end of a line' ], [ '|', ' Alternation' ], [ '( )', ' Grouping' ], [ '[ ]', ' Character class' ], ['sep'], [ '\b', ' Match a word boundary' ], [ '\B', ' Match except at a word boundary' ], [ '\A', ' Match only at beginning of string' ], [ '\Z', ' Match only at end, or before newline at th +e end' ], [ '\z', ' Match only at end of string' ], [ '\G', ' Match only at pos()' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Quantifiers', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '*', ' Match 0 or more times' ], [ '+', ' Match 1 or more times' ], [ '?', ' Match 1 or 0 times' ], [ '{n}', ' Match exactly n times' ], [ '{n,}', ' Match at least n times' ], [ '{n,m}', ' Match at least n but not more than m t +imes' ], [ '*?', ' Match 0 or more times, not greedily +' ], [ '+?', ' Match 1 or more times, not greedily +' ], [ '??', ' Match 0 or 1 time, not greedily' ], [ '{n}?', ' Match exactly n times, not greedily' +], [ '{n,}?', ' Match at least n times, not greedily' +], [ '{n,m}?', ' Match between n and m times, not greedi +ly' ], [ '*+', ' Match 0 or more times and give nothin +g back' ], [ '++', ' Match 1 or more times and give nothin +g back' ], [ '?+', ' Match 0 or 1 time and give nothing ba +ck' ], [ '{n}+', ' Match exactly n times and give nothing +back' ], [ '{n,}+', ' Match at least n times and give nothin +g back' ], [ '{n,m}+', ' Match from n to m times and give nothin +g back' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Grouping', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '(?#text)', ' A comment' ], [ '(?pimsx-imsx)', ' Enable / Disable modifier fl +ags' ], [ '(?:pattern)', ' Non-capturing cluster' ], [ '(?|pattern)', ' Branch reset' ], [ '(?=pattern)', ' Zero-width positive look-a +head' ], [ '(?!pattern)', ' Zero-width negative look-a +head' ], [ '(?<=pattern)', ' Zero-width positive look-be +hind' ], [ '(?<!pattern)', ' Zero-width negative look-be +hind' ], [ '(?\'NAME\'pattern)', ' A named capture buffer' ], [ '(?<NAME>pattern)', ' A named capture buffer' ], [ '\k\'NAME\'', ' Named backreferenc +e' ], [ '\k<NAME>', ' Named backreferenc +e' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Escapes', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '\t', ' Tab' ], [ '\n', ' Newline' ], [ '\r', ' Return' ], [ '\f', ' Form feed' ], [ '\a', ' Alarm (bell)' ], [ '\e', ' Escape (think troff)' ], [ '\l', ' Lowercase next char (think vi)' ], [ '\u', ' Uppercase next char (think vi)' ], [ '\L', ' Lowercase till \E (think vi)' ], [ '\U', ' Uppercase till \E (think vi)' ], [ '\E', ' End case modification (think vi)' ], [ '\Q', ' Quote metacharacters till \E' ], ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Classes', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '\w', ' Match a word character (alphanumeric + or _)' ], [ '\W', ' Match a non-"word" character' ], [ '\s', ' Match a whitespace character' ], [ '\S', ' Match a non-whitespace character' ], [ '\d', ' Match a digit character' ], [ '\D', ' Match a non-digit character' ], [ '\pP', ' Match P, named property (short form). +' ], [ '\p{Prop}', ' Match named property.' ], [ '\PP', ' Match non-P' ], [ '\P{Prop}', ' Match not named property.' ], [ '\X', ' Match eXtended Unicode sequence +' ], [ '\C', ' Match a single C char, even under Un +icode.' ], [ '\1', ' Reference to a capture group' ], [ '\g1', ' Reference to a specific group,' ], [ '\g{-1}', ' Negative means a previous buffer, use brackets for safer parsing. +' ], [ '\g{name}', ' Named backreference' ], [ '\k<name>', ' Named backreference' ], [ '\K', ' Keep the stuff left of \K, don\'t include + in $&' ], [ '\v', ' Vertical whitespace' ], [ '\V', ' Not vertical whitespace' ], [ '\h', ' Horizontal whitespace' ], [ '\H', ' Not horizontal whitespace' ], [ '\R', ' Linebreak' ], [ '\0**', ' Octal char' ], [ '\x**', ' Hex char' ], [ '\x{****}', ' Long hex char' ], [ '\c*', ' Control char' ], [ '\N{name}', ' Named Unicode character' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'POSIX', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '[[:alpha:]]', ' Unicode alphabetic character' ], [ '[[:alnum:]]', ' Unicode alphanumeric character' +], [ '[[:ascii:]]', ' ASCII character' ], [ '[[:blank:]]', ' \s + vertical tab \cK' ], [ '[[:cntrl:]]', ' Control character' ], [ '[[:digit:]]', ' Unicode digit' ], [ '[[:graph:]]', ' Any Alphanumeric or punctuation' + ], [ '[[:lower:]]', ' Any lowercase character' ], [ '[[:print:]]', ' Any printable character' ], [ '[[:punct:]]', ' Any punctuation (special) charac +ter.' ], [ '[[:space:]]', ' Any space character ([[:blank:]] +)' ], [ '[[:upper:]]', ' Any uppercase character' ], [ '[[:word:]]', ' Alphabetic character or undersc +ore' ], [ '[[:xdigit:]]', ' A hex digit' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Named Properties', -tearoff => 1, -menuitems => [ map { item($_) } ( [ '', "Too many to list. See perldoc perlunic +ode." ], [ '\p{Alpha}', ' Unicode alphabetic character' + ], [ '\p{Alnum}', ' Unicode alphanumeric characte +r' ], [ '\p{Punct}', ' Punctuation' ], [ '\p{ASCII}', ' \x00 through \x7f' ], [ '\p{HexDigit}', ' Any hex digit' ], [ '\p{L}', ' Letter' ], [ '\p{Lu}', ' Upper case letter' +], [ '\p{Ll}', ' Lower case letter' +], [ '\p{P}', ' Punctuation' ], [ '\p{S}', ' Symbol' ], [ '\p{Sm}', ' Math symbol' ], [ '\p{Latin}', ' Is a Latin character' +], [ '\p{Greek}', ' Is a Greek character' +], [ '\p{InBasicLatin}', ' In the Basic Latin code block +' ] ) ] ); $w{menu}->Cascade( -label => 'Options', -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => [ [ Button => 'Choose Font', -command => sub { my $font = $w{fd}->Show; apply_font($font); } ] ] ); } sub item { # build a menu item my $itemref = shift; my ($item) = @$itemref; return undef if $item eq 'sep'; return [ Button => "@$itemref", -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[1], -command => [ sub { $w{reg_entry}->insert( 'insert', $_[0] ) } +, $item ] ]; } sub reg_saved { my ( $entry, $array_ref ) = @_; my $menu = $entry->Menu( -title => 'Stored Regexes', -tearoff => 0 + ); $menu->command( -label => 'Store Regex', -command => sub { add_reg_saved( $w{reg_entry}->get, $settings{saved} ) +}, ); $menu->command( -label => 'Delete All Stored Regexes', -command => sub { my $ans = $w{sure}->Show; return unless $ans eq 'Yes'; @$array_ref = (); save_settings(); }, ); $menu->cascade( -label => 'Remove a Stored Regex', -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => [ map ( [ Button => $_, -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[1], -command => [ sub { del_reg_saved( $_[0], $array_ref ) }, $_ + ], ], @$array_ref ) ] ); $menu->separator; for my $item (@$array_ref) { $menu->command( -label => $item, -font => $settings{font}{$OS}[1], -command => [ sub { load_saved_term( $entry, $_[0] ); add_reg_saved( $_[0], $array_ref ); }, $item ], ); } $menu->post( $entry->pointerx, $entry->pointery + 10 ); } sub add_reg_saved { my ( $term, $array_ref ) = @_; @$array_ref = grep { $_ ne $term } @$array_ref; unshift @$array_ref, $term; save_settings(); } sub del_reg_saved { my ( $term, $array_ref ) = @_; @$array_ref = grep { $_ ne $term } @$array_ref; save_settings(); } sub load_saved_term { my ( $entry, $term ) = @_; $entry->delete( '0', 'end' ); $entry->insert( 'end', $term ); } sub save_settings { DumpFile( $settings_file, %settings ); }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Visual (perl/Tk) regex tweaking utility
by zentara (Archbishop) on Sep 21, 2011 at 17:34 UTC
    Very nice. I needed some bigger fonts though, especially for fullscreen use, and I added this to your code. It works well on linux. I just tucked the code in between the new MainWindow and geometry lines.
    $w{mw} = MainWindow->new; ################ aded for font control ############3 use Tk::FontDialog; my $fd = $w{mw}->FontDialog(-nicefont => 0, -title => 'Select Font', -applycmd => \&apply_font, -familylabel => 'Schrift~familie', -fixedfontsbutton => 1, -nicefontsbutton => 1, ); my $b = $w{mw}->Button(-text => 'Choose Font', -bg => 'lightyellow', -command => sub { my $font = $fd->Show; apply_font($font); })->pack; sub apply_font { my $font = shift; if (defined $font) { $b->configure(-font => $font); $w{mw}->RefontTree(-font => $font, -canvas => 1); } } ############### end of font control ###################### $w{mw}->geometry('600x480');

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
    Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh

      Hey, nice. I haven't used the Tk::FontDialog widget before. Looks like a very useful (and simple) tool.

Re: Visual (perl/Tk) regex tweaking utility
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 21, 2011 at 18:36 UTC


    My rule of thumb, if you use amperstand in a menu, it means you need two menus, or a menu with two submenus :)

    Metachars & Assertions is ok, but Escapes & Classes needs splitting

      Good point. I intended those to be more "cheat sheets" than true menus, but it is certainly a little less overwhelming when broken up a bit. I'll do that. Thanks.