in reply to Problem to inspect scalars in STASH

Yes, this is annoying, and even more so when defined(@array) and defined(%hash) become deprecated. The solution I came up with is to use defined($$name) for scalars, and defined(*{$name}{THING}) for the others. I think it works on all current Perls without polluting the stash, e.g.
main @> $Test::x = 1; @Test::y = qw(2 3); %Test::z = (a => 'b'); main @> keys %Test:: y x z main @> join ' ', "SCALARS:", grep defined(${"Test::$_"}), keys %Test: +: 'SCALARS: x' main @> join ' ', "ARRAYS:", grep defined(*{"Test::$_"}{ARRAY}), keys +%Test:: 'ARRAYS: y' main @> join ' ', "HASHES:", grep defined(*{"Test::$_"}{HASH}), keys % +Test:: 'HASHES: z' main @> join ' ', "SCALARS:", grep defined(${"Test::$_"}), keys %Test: +: 'SCALARS: x'