in reply to How to print utf8 char in Term::Screen::Win32 ?

Two things, you need to tell cmd.exe to accept/display utf8, which is one of

Win32::Console::OutputCP( 1253); Win32::Console::ANSI::ScriptCP( 1253 );
and setting console to some truetype font, See Re: Character Encoding and Windows Console woes, chcp 65001

If Term::Screen::Win32 doesn't use STDIN/STDOUT, you need to binmode whatever handle it uses , or you may need to decode the characters/bytes you get from Term::...

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Re^2: How to print utf8 char in Term::Screen::Win32 ?
by exilepanda (Friar) on Mar 21, 2012 at 02:59 UTC
    Thank you very much! As you said, things go weir when I am not using STDIN. Whatever code page I use, and whatever long char I type, the getch give me 65533... =( Still investigation..