in reply to string diff and compare

you have an error at:

my @new = split //, $new; my $longer = (@cold > @new) ? $#cold : $#new;

Which should be:

my @cnew = split //, $new; my $longer = (@cold > @cnew) ? $#cold : $#cnew;

And at:

substr ($old, subscr, 0) = $span; substr ($new, subscr, 0) = $span;

Which should be:

substr ($old, $subscr, 0) = $span; substr ($new, $subscr, 0) = $span;

Also this:

my $losubscr; #two subscripts because differ len of new and old my $lnsubscr; @cold = reverse @cold; @cnew = reverse @cnew; #we're gonna search these backwards for (0..$longer) { if ($cold[$_] ne $cnew[$_]) { $losubscr = @cold - $_; $lnsubscr = @cnew - $_; last; } } #got pertinent subscripts, now insert span tags substr ($old, $losubscr, 0) = $espan; substr ($new, $lnsubscr, 0) = $espan; substr ($old, subscr, 0) = $span; substr ($new, subscr, 0) = $span;

Could be shortened to:

my $lsubscr; @cold = reverse @cold; @cnew = reverse @cnew; #we're gonna search these backwards for (0..$longer) { if ($cold[$_] ne $cnew[$_]) { $lsubscr = -$_; last; } } #got pertinent subscripts, now insert span tags substr $old, $lsubscr, 0, $espan; substr $new, $lsubscr, 0, $espan; substr $old, $subscr, 0, $span; substr $new, $subscr, 0, $span;

Another way to write that would be:

while ( defined( my $first = <DATA> ) && defined( my $second = <DATA> +) ) { print spandiffstr( $first, $second ); } sub spandiffstr { my ( $old, $new ) = @_; my $span = '<span>'; my $espan = '</span>'; ( $old ^ $new ) =~ /^\0*/ and my $subscr = $+[0]; my ( $rold, $rnew ) = map scalar reverse, $old, $new; ( $rold ^ $rnew ) =~ /^\0*/ and my $lsubscr = -$+[0]; # got pertinent subscripts, now insert span tags substr $old, $lsubscr, 0, $espan; substr $new, $lsubscr, 0, $espan; substr $old, $subscr, 0, $span; substr $new, $subscr, 0, $span; return $old, $new; }