in reply to perl script to search and replace comment in .aspx file

You could slurp the file and do a greedy regex substitution over it.

use strict; my $delim = $/; $/ = ''; my $file = <DATA>; $/ = $delim; $file =~ s/(<%--)?\s*<script(.*)>/($1 ? '' : '<%-- ') . "<script$2>"/i +ge; $file =~ s=</script>\s*(-->)?='</script>' . ($1 ? '' : " -->\n")=ige; print $file; __DATA__ <script type="java/js"> foobie bletch </script> <%-- <script> zelgo mer </script> -->

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.

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Re^2: perl script to search and replace comment in .aspx file
by hector89 (Novice) on Jun 08, 2012 at 05:54 UTC

    this code not working temporal..:(..

      You might tell us how the code fails for you, and on what input, and what output you get.

        __DATA__ <script type="java/js"> foobie bletch </script> <%-- <script> zelgo mer </script> --> input is same as temporal used.but when i'm executing this code it's not able to make changes in file.i'm using .txt file