in reply to XML Twig sprint output not preserving > entity

You need to set keep_encoding.

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use XML::Twig; use Data::Dump qw' dd '; Main( @ARGV ); exit (0); sub Main { my %files; my $filename; my $subprint = sub { my( $twig, $_ ) = @_; push @{ $files{ $filename }}, $_->sprint; return; }; my $twig = XML::Twig->new( ignore_elts => { brief => 'discard', detailed => 'discard' }, keep_encoding => 1, pretty_print => 'indented', TwigHandlers => { 'myroot/classes' => $subprint, }, ); for my $file( @_ ) { $filename = $file; eval { $twig->parsefile( $file ); 1; } or warn "ERROR parsefile($file): $@ "; $twig->purge; } dd \%files; }