in reply to decoding libpcap on windows

Without and example of the " format to be inserted into a database for analysis", I don't know what you're trying to output.

The NetPacket::* modules seem old by copyright date. You may want to have a look at the Net::Frame modules. They provide packet encode/decode at various OSI layers and specifically, you'll want to look at Net::Frame::Dump and it's sub-modules. The example provided with the distribution ( may be what you're looking for:

VinsWorldcom@C:\Users\VinsWorldcom\tmp> test.pcap o Frame number: 0 (length: 42) ETH: dst:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff src:cc:18:ff:77:88:99 type:0x0806 ARP: hType:0x0001 pType:0x0800 hSize:0x06 pSize:0x04 opCode:0x0001 ARP: src:c4:17:fe:12:7d:75 srcIp: ARP: dst:00:00:00:00:00:00 dstIp: o Frame number: 1 (length: 59) ETH: dst:68:69:70:71:77:90 src:cc:18:ff:77:88:99 type:0x0800 IPv4: version:4 hlen:5 tos:0x00 length:45 id:8608 IPv4: flags:0x02 offset:0 ttl:128 protocol:0x06 checksum:0x9072 IPv4: src: dst: TCP: src:54237 dst:1863 seq:0x322c9b85 ack:0x119cfd35 TCP: off:0x05 x2:0x0 flags:0x18 win:16677 checksum:0xcce5 urp:0x0 +0 TCP: payload:504d570d0a ...