in reply to Excel Chart

For your initial problem, I think you may need to concatenate and interpolate your '$worksheet!' hash values.

$chart->add_series( categories => '='."$worksheet".'!$B$1:$E$1', values => '='."$worksheet".'!$A$1:$E$1450', name => 'chart1', );

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Re^2: Excel Chart
by Anonymous Monk on May 31, 2016 at 08:11 UTC
    Instead of hard coding as " categories => '='."$worksheet".'!$B$1:$E$1' ", Can we make it dynamic to select the range of cells to plot the chart? Any idea how to make it dynamic?

      Making the range dynamic is as easy as constructing the appropriate string for the range.

      Have a look at Re^3: Win32::Ole excel external data range, in which I show the use of dynamic ranges. It does other things too (it's answering a different question), but I think it's reasonably clear.


      John Davies