in reply to CSV File Parsing

# Use auto_diag to see all parsing errors immediately my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, allow_whit +espace => 1 }); open my $fh, "<", $file_to_parse or die "Could not open '$file' $!"; while (my $row = $csv->getline ($fh)) { # Check first and third field to be numeric only (and not empty) $row->[0] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ && $row->[2] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ or exit; # wrong format # THERE CANNOT BE AN ELSE AFTER AN EXIT ! }

update: your sample data contains spaces. You will have to deal with those, as the current tests will fail for leading and training spaces. Adding allow_whitespace option to the constructor will help you here.

Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn