in reply to syntax questions

While my esteemed predecessors have done a good job of answering your direct questions, perhaps I can shed some light on a few stylistic questions you didn't ask, but may still find informative.

The line:

     open FILELIST, ">$filelist";

is problematic for a couple of reasons:

So, instead, I would write:

(UPDATED thanks to AnomylousMonk's good catch of a very carelessly chosen variable name)

open my $fh, '>', $filelist or die "Can't open $filelist: $!";

If it fails, the program will exit with an informative error code. You could instead wrap the open call in an if statement if you want to do something else.

Purely personal preference on this next one, but your entire foreach { ... } loop could be more concisely written:

    print $fh $_ for @files;

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Re^2: syntax questions
by AnomalousMonk (Archbishop) on Mar 07, 2013 at 03:28 UTC
    open my $filelist, '>', $filelist or die "Can't open $filelist: $!";

    This is simply an inadvertance, but using a new lexical  my $filelist for the filehandle in the open statement masks the file name in the old lexical of the same name (and also generates a warning if warnings are enabled, which is strongly recommended). I would write something like:

    >perl -wMstrict -le "my $filelist = 'xyzzy'; open my $filehandle, '>', $filelist or die qq{opening '$filelist': $! +}; print $filehandle $_ for qw(foo bar baz); close $filehandle or die qq{closing '$filelist': $!}; " >type xyzzy foo bar baz