in reply to How do you critique another person's code?

I'm not even going to comment on the crappy code which appears to be deliberate sabotage of any future attempts at maintenance or re-use. The first two comments are completely useless. If it's obvious the naming sucks by looking at it, why comment the fact? Only the third of the four comments you quote is even remotely worthwhile. I could see myself including a note like that to myself in code, except that the fourth comment is flat out abusive.

Coupled with the obvious and deliberate attempts in the actual code to confound future coders, this points to issues far depper than this individual's apparent lack of programming talent. It's not as though this were some brilliant obfuscation that ran in eight lines of code and as many milliseconds-- this is someone who should not be programming for a living. After all, his/her deliberately foul code was performing so poorly that it was taken out for review.
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