in reply to Help w/ Code Optimization

You might also try this :
sub Root2 { my $num = shift; my $root = shift; my $iterations = shift || 10; if ( $root == 0 ) { return 1 } if ( $num < 0 ) { return undef } my $current = Math::BigFloat->new(); my $guess = Math::BigFloat->new( $num / $root ); my $t=Math::BigFloat->new($guess**($root-1)); 1st version : WRONG ! sh +ould be in the loop. for ( 1 .. $iterations ) { $current = $guess - ( $guess * $t - $num ) / ( $root * $t ); if ( $guess eq $current ) { last } $t=Math::BigFloat->new($current**($root-1)); $guess = $current; } return $current; }
The idea behind, is that '**' is MUCH slower than '*', so I exchange 2 '**' for one '**' and 2 '*'
It seems indeed to speed things alot :
(I'm sure your numerous tests will make it sure ;-)
timethese(10,{ 'Root'=> sub {Root(1000,60)}, 'Root2'=> sub {Root2(1000,60)}});

gives as result :

  Benchmark: timing 10 iterations of Root, Root2...
    Root: 104 wallclock secs (104.38 usr + 0.01 sys = 104.39 CPU) @ 0.10/s (n=10)
    Root2: 15 wallclock secs (14.75 usr + 0.00 sys = 14.75 CPU) @ 0.68/s (n=10)
    Root2: 97 wallclock secs (92.67 usr + 0.16 sys = 92.83 CPU) @ 0.11/s (n=10)

Corrected my code! I misplaced the $t calculation outside the loop,
which is wrong beccause $guess change inside the loop.
As you can see it's no more so fast...

"Only Bad Coders Code Badly In Perl" (OBC2BIP)

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Re: Re: Help w/ Code Optimization
by sifukurt (Hermit) on Dec 26, 2001 at 22:58 UTC
    When I try to run your code, I get an incorrect answer for the root. I think the problem is in the exponent. The exponents are $root and ($root - 1), respectively.

    When I run this code:
    timethese( 100, { 'Root' => '$x = Root( 100, 3 )', 'Root2' => '$y = Root2( 100, 3 )', }); print <<END; Root: $x ----- Root2: $y END
    I get this for output:
    Benchmark: timing 100 iterations of Root, Root2... Root: 29 wallclock secs (28.39 usr + 0.00 sys = 28.39 CPU) @ 3 +.52/s (n=1 00) Root2: 20 wallclock secs (20.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 20.03 CPU) @ 4 +.99/s (n=1 00) Root: 4.6415888336127788924100763542328778501807372125002714 ----- Root2: 0.6664902595019951166742874561807256134735
