in reply to Revisions to Code previously posted on Perl Monks

Post a reply to your original node.


Follow the style of many of the pmdev team while writing patches for Perlmonks by striking out the old code and inserting new code in a different colour by it.

This is just a quick example:


Note: HTML tags like the above will not work within CODE tags.

- wil
  • Comment on (wil) Re: Revisions to Code previously posted on Perl Monks

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re(2): Revisions to Code previously posted on Perl Monks
by FoxtrotUniform (Prior) on Aug 27, 2002 at 15:39 UTC
      Follow the style of many of the pmdev team while writing patches for Perlmonks by striking out the old code and inserting new code in a different colour by it.

    Oooh. Feature: a diff(1) hilighting mode for block (rather than inline) code tags. Follow the code block with a diff block containing a context diff (or whatever format's easiest to parse), like so:

    <code> &foo(); &bar(); &baz(); <\code> # munged close tag <diff> 2c2 < &bar(); --- > &quux(); </diff>



    As ever, I have no clue how to implement this, or how difficult it would be.

    F o x t r o t U n i f o r m
    Found a typo in this node? /msg me
    The hell with paco, vote for Erudil!

      I'm not sure if I'm keen on this whole idea, actually. It tends to break threads, and might encourage people to edit their original node instead of following up with a reply to their node that preserves the threaded nature of the site and clearly shows their progress and their code maturing.

      - wil
      Great idea! Foxtrot is on the right track I would say.

      I'm not sure if this would work, but couldn't you do something in a generic style sheet that would put updated code in a different color? That way you would see code updates right away.

      Some people fall from grace. I prefer a running start...