in reply to Obtaining The Exact Time

Just as a "Thinking Outside the Box" exercise, you can always get the time from the NIST, available from any and all of the mirrors mentioned here.
use strict; my $host = ''; my $port = '13'; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'TCP'); die "Couldn't connect to $host on $port: $!\n" unless $sock; scalar <$sock>; my $time = scalar <$sock>; $sock->close; print $time."\n"; # $time has the format: #JJJJJ YR-MO-DA HH:MM:SS TT L H msADV UTC(NIST) OTM
*shrug* It just happens to be something I'm working on for another project.


Flex the Geek