in reply to Re: Mandatory indenting
in thread Mandatory indenting

So you don't even know the most basic points about something, but you dislike it nonetheless?

I know one basic point, namely mandatory indenting, and that single basic point is enough for me to dislike it. I'm not saying that Python is a bad language, because I simply don't know if it's any good. Python may be great, but its mandatory indenting keeps me from trying.

Yes, we could. Very easily in fact, but we don't.

Does Python have source filtering capabilities, then? Or would this require a hack in the core?

Juerd # { site => '', plp_site => '', do_not_use => 'spamtrap' }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Re: Mandatory indenting
by Tomte (Priest) on Jun 18, 2003 at 10:18 UTC

    Python may be great, but its mandatory indenting keeps me from trying

    You definitly should try it, it is fun to code in python (though I didn't in the last nearly 2years, alas). The only thing I don't like is the inevitable OO-approach to regexps, but they have a real cute extension to perls: named captures (you can give names to the capturing parenthesis).

    While an anonymous sub is cool, a lambda as the function-arg to reduce did always put a smile on my face ;)

    I wouldn't do most of my admin-stuff and a lot of other work-stuff in perl if I followed this road: I hate(d) the sigils, and I was absolutly sure never to use perl.
    Well, I had to code a german public-health forum (external link) using slashcode. And now I'm in love with perl.

    Don't let such a thing fool you, in my experience you miss more in not using languages for such reasons, than the language looses in you not using it :-)
    always play a wee bit with it, beeing even if you're doing it for nothing else than to despise it for well-founded reasons.

    kind regards,


    Hlade's Law:

    If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person --
    they will find an easier way to do it.

Re: Re: Re: Mandatory indenting
by ihb (Deacon) on Jun 23, 2003 at 13:40 UTC

    I know one basic point, namely mandatory indenting, and that single basic point is enough for me to dislike it.

    It seems to me like you're taking a idea from another paradigm and using it in your paradigm. See how the shoe fits its intended foot, not some other foot.

    I've had similiar discussions with a C programming friend of mine. He so dislikes Perl because you have to type ord to get the ASCII value of a char. He finds it completely silly. The fact that you rarely want to use ord in the typical Perl task doesn't occure to him.

    I think he does wrong in judging a feature of Perl like that. I think he should first try to grasp the whole concept of Perl--what it's for, why people like it, and how the pieces fit the Perl puzzle. If he then choose to dislike it I can respect his opinion.

    Take any piece of art (not fractals). Zoom in a lot. Can you appreciate its beauty now? Probably not.

    I can keep writing analogies all day, but I'll stop now.

    Just my thought,

    PS. I realize you don't say that Python is a bad language, but I'm saying that you should evaluate mandatory indenting in a Python mind-set, not as a standalone phenomena.

      Take any piece of art (not fractals). Zoom in a lot. Can you appreciate its beauty now? Probably not.

      Mandatory indenting is not a detail, but a very obvious thing. You don't need to use ord in Perl, but you do need to indent in Python. If you don't like ord, you can create a wrapper around it. If you don't like mandatory indenting, ...?

      Juerd # { site => '', plp_site => '', do_not_use => 'spamtrap' }

        I believe you completely missed my point, which is perhaps most clearly expressed in "I'm saying that you should evaluate mandatory indenting in a Python mind-set, not as a standalone phenomena".
