in reply to CPAN + PREFIX + Module::Build

I use this setup:

export PERL5LIB=/home/dakkar/localperl:$PERL5LIB export PERL5_CPANPLUS_CONFIG=/home/dakkar/.cpanplus/config export PERL_MM_OPT='INSTALLDIRS=perl LIB=/home/dakkar/localperl/ INSTA +LLBIN=/home/dakkar/bin INSTALLSCRIPT=/home/dakkar/bin/ INSTALLMAN1DIR +=/home/dakkar/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=/home/dakkar/man/man3' function MyBuild { perl Build.PL \ --install_path lib=/home/dakkar/localperl/lib/ \ --install_path arch=/home/dakkar/localperl/lib/i686-linux-thre +ad-multi/ \ --install_path script=/home/dakkar/bin/ \ --install_path bin=/home/dakkar/bin/ \ --install_path bindoc=/home/dakkar/man/man1 \ --install_path libdoc=/home/dakkar/man/man3 \ "$@" } export MANPATH=/home/dakkar/man:$MANPATH

This way, I have my modules in ~/localperl and scripts and manpages go in usable places. It works both with MakeMaker and Module::Build, provided you use MyBuild instead of perl Build.PL. It also has a localized CPANPLUS config, with the same parameters set per both build systems.

        dakkar - Mobilis in mobile

Most of my code is tested...

Perl is strongly typed, it just has very few types (Dan)