in reply to sorting not sort

You can put multiple conditions in the sort, using the || operator, so that when the first rule is equal (ie, =0), the second rule will kick in, otherwise take the first rule.

$strings{"E1,E2"} = 1; $strings{"E1,E3"} = 3; $strings{"E1,E4"} = 2; $strings{"E1,E5"} = 3; $strings{"E1,E6"} = 3; $strings{"E1,E7"} = 5; $strings{"E1,E8"} = 1; $strings{"E1,E9"} = 0; $strings{"E1,E10"} = 12; my @sorted = map { $_->[0] } sort { ($b->[2] <=> $a->[2]) || ($a->[1] <=> $b->[1]) } map { my $old_key = $_; # transform my keys so I can compare them as digits my ($k1, $k2) = $old_key =~ /(\d)/g; my $new_key = sprintf("%04d%04d", $k1, $k2); [ $old_key, $new_key, $strings{$old_key} ] } keys %strings; print map{ "$_ = $strings{$_}\n" } @sorted;